Gun ownership rises to 44% of all homes – IOTW Report

Gun ownership rises to 44% of all homes

WE: After a steady decline in gun ownership in recent years, more homes are reporting having a weapon inside, according to a new survey.

Pew Research Center, in a poll on guns released Friday, showed that 44 percent of the country has a gun in the house. Some 51 percent don’t.


13 Comments on Gun ownership rises to 44% of all homes

  1. Well numero uno if some one calls me on the phone and asks me if I own guns I will probably answer no. So the 44% is drastically understated.

    Number two, “Most gun owning households support stronger back ground checks”. Bull Shit.

  2. Within the last two months I’ve been in conversations with other patrons in two different local gun shops. Both times we were laughing at the poll numbers, with those of us who had been polled saying we’d just said NO, and the others promising to do so if and when asked themselves. IOW, that 44%, as already pointed out by Thirdtwin and Bad_Brad, is totally bogus.

  3. They must of left the “1” off of that percentage. It’s more like 144% where I live. Everybody I know has at least one rifle and one handgun. Most have more. And I’m taking about preachers too. They all hunt and they all protect their own. Police are about 45 minutes away at times, a 15 minute arrival time would be fast around here.

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