Guy Blows His Leg Off Shooting At Tannerite – IOTW Report

Guy Blows His Leg Off Shooting At Tannerite

Hold My Beer Warning.

21 Comments on Guy Blows His Leg Off Shooting At Tannerite

  1. If somebody had been killed, when that guy got to Heaven they would have made him wear a sign stating the cause of his demise and then made him go stand next to the guy with the ‘Ran with Scissors’ sign.

  2. shit, the only metal thing I’ve seen destroyed with Tannerite was a broken clothes dryer, the guy who’s land it was on made everyone get back about 150 yd because with several lb of Tannerite in any metal box–IT BECOMES A BIG FAT FRAG GRENADE

  3. Watch for the Bureau of Tobacco, Fire Arms and Explosives to come roaring into life and give it’s self regulatory permission to confiscate and arrest any one in possession of Tannerite.

    They’ll move quickly though before Obama leaves office.

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