Guy Does Imitations of Animal Sounds – IOTW Report

Guy Does Imitations of Animal Sounds

And, I never heard this before, and I’m told it was a big hit.

It’s hideous-

11 Comments on Guy Does Imitations of Animal Sounds

  1. Loco. The 🤣 was for the Hallmark Channel. I will tune in because I hear it’s very white and that sounds refreshing.

    This is for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra link. 😎

  2. That party he’s at looks like a scene from a 60’s Hammer horror film. I expected to see Vincent Price there. As for the guy “singing” I make better sounds after eating my wifes enchiladas.

  3. Yeah, animal sounds man had a few winners and had few losers, while Ylvis was a definite LOSER! I think I’ll go listen to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

    And damn-it Loco, you better not be setting me up to watch the Trans-Gendered Orchestra. I’ll be really pissed! 🙂


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