This gives me pleasure, somehow – IOTW Report

This gives me pleasure, somehow

The day Barney died.

25 Comments on This gives me pleasure, somehow

  1. I kept thinking, stab it in the head! The video was oddly satisfying.

    Didn’t one of their balloons at that parade actually hurt people one year? Yep, just looked it up…

    If it’s possible for every worst-case scenario to happen at once, the 1997 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade came really close. During the parade, strong winds caused the Cat in the Hat balloon to hit a lamppost and part of the pole crashed over the head of a spectator. The woman was seriously injured and lay in a coma for a month.

  2. I was tech crew, and Chorus guitarist, from 1992 to 1994.. and we hanged Barney from a noose on center stage and got him to swinging.

    We were dressed down by Mr Douglas.

    But he was laughing and trying not to.

  3. He kept on smiling all the way to the end. He was popular when my kids were growing up. Hated it, such a good fuckin attitude all the time. I always half expected Zappa to explain how barney got his green spots on his back.

  4. I remember when SNL had a skit where Charles Barkley was guest hosting and he had a one on one basketball game against some poor bastard in a Barney suit.

    I never laughed so hard in my life. Barkley fouled him repeatedly, tore off patches of purple fur, ripped a Barney eye out. “I 💕 love you, you love me…OOF!” Good times….good times.

  5. My kids hated Barney.
    It was a new show when they were in elementary school.
    They used to sing a reworded version of the theme song.

    I hate you
    You hate me
    Let’s get together and kill Barney.

  6. @ Beachmom NOVEMBER 27, 2021 AT 6:09 AM

    I remember feeling the same way about Sesame Street when it came out. It was standard joke material from the get-go with the kids I knew.

  7. I was in a Fourth of July parade once where we held onto a large balloon, that was probably 1/10th the size of Barney. We had no wind and that sucker was still a bitch to control.

  8. Barney was the official greeter when the new Spokane Public Library in downtown Spokane was opened in the early 90’s. I took my kids to see the new library but wasn’t expecting to be greeted by Baloney the purple idiot dinosaur. Hey, it could’ve been worse like the Teletubbies or My Little Phony, or Captain Planet which I never let my kids watch.

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