Guy Launches Drone and Sees Something and Says Something – IOTW Report

Guy Launches Drone and Sees Something and Says Something

He screams, “run!”

14 Comments on Guy Launches Drone and Sees Something and Says Something

  1. That reminds me of all those years that I hoped for a shark attack in Hawaii at Christmastime. I wonder if the Secret Service had drones like that, or if they had their own hopes.

  2. Personal drones with 4K cameras are the greatest invention ever. Farmers use them.
    Roofers. High antenna or electric power tower inspectors. Fireman. On and on.
    I had mine in the air this summer and saw the roof top AC system was smoking on an industrial building.
    Not as cool as sharks but there are no sharks where I live.

  3. I was bumped by a shark while out surfing when I was 14. It was terrifying waiting for the next wave, and I rode it lying flat on the board straight to the beach until the fin was scaping sand. I have no idea how big the shark was, but in my mind, it might as well have been like the shark in the movie Jaws.

  4. Oh no never run. If you run animals chase you.

    That’s something I learned when I was 8 y,o, On the walk to or from school I had to walk past a barn where three turkeys lived that were nearly as big as me. Chased me till I maned up and stood my ground.

    Well, there were three of them when school started. Then by Dec. only two. One left in late Nov. and never came back. Guess he had a winter place in Fla. or something.

  5. Anyone ever see the video of tourists in Florida buzzing around on rented jet-skis, and the entire lagoon was filled with 100s of sharks? People were screaming at them to get the hell out of there, but they just waved back? –like 20 years ago or something.

    I went there on vacation, wanted to jump in the lake and get cool, the lady said, “Y’all don’ go in thar, thare’s gaters in thar.” Really? This far north, OMG yes! Walked out to the edge of the pier, there were gators freakin’ everywhere.

    Almost died that day, then almost died in Jacksonville inner-city by accident, then by monster spiders as big as your two hands, then told there were poisonous snakes and not go walking in the woods, then not to swim b/c there were sharks and poisonous jellyfish…..SCREW THAT PLACE!

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