Guy Refuses To Take Down His Trump Flag – IOTW Report

Guy Refuses To Take Down His Trump Flag

16 Comments on Guy Refuses To Take Down His Trump Flag

  1. …but it’s perfectly okay, and also considered “free speech”, to walk on old glory in front of millions of American’s.

    If I was this guy I’d not only keep the Trump flag flying, I’d place Old Glory above it and below it I put up a flag that says “fuck you if you don’t like my Trump flag”.

    Because that’s how I roll.

  2. They have a law against political signage more than 30 days before an election.
    If this Wanker doesn’t like the law, he should work to have it repealed or move.
    People with their yards plastered with political crap all year long are obnoxious jerks. If there are enough of those assholes in an area, the people pass laws to force the human debris to act in a civilized manner.
    A sane Trump supporter would be embarrassed to have a clown like that on his side.

  3. Abigail, if your house is festooned with political crap all year, I am glad I am not living in your area.
    it is no different than the lazy trash that leave their Christmas lights up all year.
    Things are probably a bit lax in your trailer park, but a lot of us like to live in pleasant surroundings.

  4. JohnS….
    Right of free speech, property rights or just freedom to do as you wish on your own land when it doesn’t cause or pose harm to others.

    Sounds like you need to move where covenants are required to live in your neighborhood so you won’t be offended by opposing viewpoints or candidates.

    George III would be proud of your allegiance to the crown (you would still be a traitor to freedom loving majority and rightfully tarred and feathered)).

  5. Cato. Because we have freedom we have the right to get together and agree on norms and inforce them.
    In my neighborhood you can’t do what he is doing either. You also can’t park on your front lawn and have to keep your lawn up.
    This cranks actions were being ignored until he kept calling the cops because others believed, like he does, that the law didn’t apply to them. He had them up a long time, but kept calling the police whenever kids messed with them. they got tired of it and wrote him a ticket.
    It wasn’t just a flag.
    The douche had 2 flags and poles, and lit the flags up at night.
    This has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with dealing with a miserable attention whore.

  6. JohnS
    No you are wrong.
    If he fights this intrusion of rights, he’ll win.
    Most buckle under threats of fines, legal costs and pressure from the sheople.

    You may very well choose to be governed by your neighbors and community, that’s your choice. Those are covenants you agreed upon to live there.

    Personally, I choose as much freedom and liberty my God given rights afford me.

    Where I live, if you don’t like who I support, what’s on my flag pole, in my yard, on my property or my house, fuck off. I cause no harm and will do what I please on my property and will defend my rights equal to the threats made against me.

    But that’s my choice to be a freeman, there are many like me as there are sheople like you.


  7. Ok I’ll bite.
    This guy was breaking the law and everybody ignored him for quite some time.
    Then some kids started breaking the law and he (unlike his neighbors) couldn’t stand it and started bothering the police.
    After several complaints the police get tired of it and cite him for breaking the law.
    Nobody cared what the old fool was doing until he made a nuisance of himself.
    You all are entitled to the heroes you want.
    I have lived around this kid of asshole and I don’t care what his Lookatme cause is.
    Due to him, the neighborhood may very well ban political signs period.
    That way his supporters get an extra dose of smug thinking about how much better they are than them.
    Consider this. There was a problem, likely caused by an asshole like this one, that caused them to pass the ordinance in the first place. This idiot is NOT pro-freedom.

  8. Sorry boys and girls. This is the first time ever I’ve seen JohnS being correct. Probably his last time ever. HOA’s can tell you what color under wear to own if it’s in the contract. Believe me, I’ve watched neighbors pick some dumb ass battles to fight with an HOA. Never works out well. Read your damn contracts.

  9. Home Owners’ Associations are little Fascist wanna-bes.

    But, yes, if you agree to live under the heel of Fascism, that is your right – and your continuing obligation. Just as it’s your right to surrender to izlam, unions, or any other totalitarian system.

    Enjoy the stuffy confines of slavery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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