Guy sets himself on fire in D.C. – IOTW Report

Guy sets himself on fire in D.C.


According to local media, the man was taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries.

43 Comments on Guy sets himself on fire in D.C.

  1. Just saw this on another site; one of the responders wondered if this might become a trend for Leftists. Might be worth discussing if the behavior continues. We’ll see.

  2. Well, this is about as insane as you can get except maybe voting for Hillary or some other Democrat. This cannot , unfortunately, be unseen for a while until something else comes along like Biden hunting down a little girl in a crowd of adults. Maybe he was protesting the attack by the Left on our Republic…but the method chosen smacks of a serious, deep mental problem so perhaps he will die and be rid of the Demons like Nadler that afflicted him..RIP

  3. Eh. People did wacky shit around the white house when Barky was there, too. Including shooting at windows, climbing fences, and that one guy that made it into the white house and walked all the way near the Oval office because he wanted to say ‘hi’ and to ask some tough questions. I guess. The black woman with her kid in the car that drove around barry-cades. Then there was that other guy who tried to set himself on fire because he had AIDS or something and 0bama wasn’t personally helping him or whatever. crazy first, meds 2nd, politics is the 3rd problem down the line for these people.

    This guy wasn’t on WH property, but, still- that’s just nuts.

  4. The guy seems to be walking along like a person going about their daily routine except he’s on frikkin fire! Then he’s just standing there. I can’t even imagine. I want to know what he was protesting if anything.

  5. That has to be the result of drugs. No one could stand that patiently while their flesh was burning. I doubt if he had any reason other than insanity. Yes, I know that being a leftist is insanity. Insanity fueled by drugs.

    Edit: Different Tim, ditto!

  6. He’ll be dead soon — inhaled way too much flame, especially when he turned and walked away from the wind. Probably on PCP or some such…strolling so calmly while smelling the bacon frying.

    But on the upside, that’ll show Trump. I guess.

  7. Whoever he was he won’t make it. His lungs were burned as well as his skin and the infections will take him under after some incredible suffering. I pity him.

  8. New Campaign Ad:
    Everyone Should Be Feeling The Bern For Bernie!
    If you aren’t lighting yourself on fire then you’re a capitalist, right-wing, nazi#, climate-denying nut who should be punched in the face.

  9. All we know for sure about album cover guy is that we’re not sure about anything. It’s obvious this flaming retard wasn’t either. His plan seemed to be:

    1. set self on fire
    2. leave note explaining rational
    3. make money.

    Personally, I wouldn’t have chosen to proceed in that particular order, but alas, I had no time to confer with burning man.

    Huge carbon footprint though….like, literally.

    Lastly, this is what happens when you try to smoke pork with pineapple.

  10. Whoever he is, his technique sucks. You’re supposed to sit down in the middle of a busy intersection, pour gasoline over yourself, then light a match. And sit in the lotus position till you fall over. That’s the time-honored Buddhist method.

  11. The disgraceless media will push this as NEW because of DJT as POTUS, suck it, it’s been done before…

    Immolution on the Mall:

    The infamous car chase…

    Least we NOT forget.

    Oh that guy had a USA shirt on…vat does dis mean???

    @Aaron B- big Floyd fan here and GREAT optic you pic’d up on and that guy on the cover was wearing a treated burning suit or layer under.

    @Claudia – only heavy duty drugs could have started that to have deadened the nervous system.

  12. “I think he was wearing a stunt man’s fire suit.”

    Had to be. No amount of drugs can overcome burning alive.

    He was walking to get the flames away from his face to breathe.


    Good job cops. I might have tripped over a loose shoelace on the way to put him out and have taken the time to untie it so it looked like a real problem tie it.


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