Guy Shoots Roommate in the A** For Eating the Last Hot Pocket – IOTW Report

Guy Shoots Roommate in the A** For Eating the Last Hot Pocket

He had a hot back pocket.


It’s that rarest of crimes: a Hot Pockets shooting. Police in Louisville, Kentucky, say a 64-year-old man shot his roommate in the derriere for eating the last one, reports WLKY. Clifton Williams allegedly got torqued and started “throwing tiles” at his male roommate when he discovered all the Hot Pockets were gone, according to the police report, per WAVE3. The roommate says he fought back and was trying to leave when Williams retrieved a gun from the house and shot him in the buttocks, say police.

Williams has pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree assault. His presumably former roommate managed to walk a few blocks for help before being to taken to a local hospital for treatment. Williams appears to be wearing a slight smile in his booking mug shot, though he faces 5 to 10 years in prison if convicted.

14 Comments on Guy Shoots Roommate in the A** For Eating the Last Hot Pocket

  1. I’d have to see the mass of the ass and the caliber + speed of the projectile before I judge this.

    I mean, a BB on a 400 pound lard ass isn’t going to move the needled past laughing at it, while a .357 hollow point at 1,500 fps on a twiggy is another matter altogether.

    I’ll give him credit for not taking a head shot no matter the details.

  2. Dr. Hambone AT 11:33 PM

    You know you’ve hit rock bottom when you shoot someone over a Hot Pocket.

    Wait, where does a DiGiorno’s ultra thin fall on that scale?

    Bottom line, I’m thinking a 1986 Pantera’s is worth shooting someone over. 7.5 lbs of heaven. No delivery. One slice per adult was enough for the night.

    Miss that damn pizza making place.

  3. Man, he should have just waited. The Hot Pocket would have taken its own revenge on the guy!
    Then, we would have heard about a shooting cause the roommate polluted the bathroom!


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