Chicago Democrat La Shawn Ford calls for abolishing history classes and the removal of current history books. He claims they cause white privilege and racism.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 9, 2020
25 Comments on Ha – KNEW IT! Leftist Pol calls for ending the teaching of history
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All he needs is a wig, a dress and some helium for his voice and Biden has the perfect VP candidate…..
Next come Maff cuz, ya know Maff be hard… nomsane?
Stop teaching history? Starting (and ending) with Black History month.
All that’s missing from that asshole is the gumby outfit.
Because history is the truth. White European and American men invented the modern world.
frankly, I think these assclowns should stop teaching altogether
^^^^ oops, sorry … that was me ^^^^
I also wish to abolish the English language and the meaning of words.
What did the man just say?
Beats me.
History is the recounting of events. Certainly there are different perspectives on those events, but this individual doesn’t want to entertain that discussion.
He simply wants to eliminate the discussion entirely.
A good Taliban guy. Shut the bleep up.
Who is this idiot? Never heard of him. He seems self proud but needs an intervention. At least in the use of the English language. He seems to know words, but is incapable of assembling them into a coherent thought.
Then we wouldn’t learn from it and wouldn’t have to worry about repeating it. Isn’t he clever?
You didn’t just say ‘Gumby outfit’ did you?
I think you are officially my best friend.
You’re an insufferable prick. Yeah. We’re probably best friends now. Lol.
PHenry, recognizing that I’m an insufferable prick is my best attribute.
It’s clear from his statement that he has already been successful in removing English and Grammar from the school curriculum.
He is the product of years of govt social indoctrination via public schools. I suspect that, without understanding them or being able to identify them, he is aware of the many contradictions within such indoctrination and can conceive of resolution only by going the wrong way. Instead of wanting more actual education, he aims to eliminate his cognitive dissonance by eliminating an important part of actual education, the part that has the potential for showing him that the rest of his schooling was wrong.
School is tough you have to learn things.
What suitable alternative? The one about the winged negroes who were masters of duh earf befo’e duh evil white slave dribers stolt dere kuh-nol-edge and cutted offs dere wings?
Fuck off.
He’s just pointing out that you don’t need no learning to get that bi-monthly government check.
Not that I’d want to work with somebody that stupid and illiterate.
“What suitable alternative?”
you know, the one w/ the Mothership orbiting the Earth, waiting to come down & pick up the true believers of Calypso Louie’s fevered mind
… the guilt that man must feel for assassinating Malcom X
Please show some deference to this Black Colored Ignoramus. His people come from the Dark Continent. They practiced cannibalism. They engaged in slavery. His ancestors never created a written language. They didn’t invent the wheelbarrow, because they couldn’t figure out how to make a wheel. Some of them were smarter than some of the others. They were usually ruled by bloodthirsty tyrants, who kept their tribal members controlled by subjecting them to terrible acts of violence. The rest of the world has sent the Still Dark Continent billions of dollars in aid for more than a hundred years, and they have produced leaders like Idi Amin and Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Africa, now it’s a basket case. South Africa was one of the richest and most productive mineral and agricultural counties on earth, now it is becoming a corrupt wasteland. How about teaching this history during Black Colored History Month, you dumb bastard?
I have a lot of history books, History being my favorite subject, in school and ever since.
One of them is called King Leopold’s Ghost, about the depredations of the Belgians in the Belgian Congo. King Leopold ruled it as an owner, not as a King. It’s pretty amazing stuff to read about. The point is, it is history. It shed some light of the “Heart of Darkness” that was part of the colonial rule in central Africa in the late 19th century.
We can’t ignore history, regardless of who it reveals as the bad guys. We absolutely have to understand it as much as possible.
So…history began the day Minneapolis defunded it’s police? Got it.
Obviously never read or understood “1984”
The idiot is implementing the communist policy called “reform” by way of the scorched earth tactic. Events that occurs before a communist regime is in power, is destroyed or ignored. Obviously this tool is clueless, if the policies he supports were the law of the land he would be one of tbe first to be eliminated.
Yes, it was obviously a racist society that elected this guy. Remove him now and replace him with whoever was his opponent in the election, regardless of that candidate’s race. Oh wait, he hasn’t had an opponent since 2006? Nevermind, just put someone up against him.
Eliminate police then replace with social justice warriors. Eliminate history then replace history with new history. Eliminate math then replace with new math. Eliminate the family then replace with the government. Etc. etc. etc.
The Communists want to make sckooling even more perfecter. Get everyone’s mind left or else.
It seems 1984 is their manual not a warning.