Haiti was once the Jewel of the Caribbean – Its Wealth Legendary – IOTW Report

Haiti was once the Jewel of the Caribbean – Its Wealth Legendary

What happened to Haiti?

It’s a tale of genocide, repeated white genocide. Has it been good for Haiti?

The left would say yes.

ht/ js


18 Comments on Haiti was once the Jewel of the Caribbean – Its Wealth Legendary

  1. J B Books
    There’s some black asshole running for grand umpa of that country that is openly calling for confiscation of all white owned property with no compensation. Those white people need to call Eric Prince. Stat. I’d love to see that shit.

  2. Needed to refresh my memory on Mr Prince. Nobody I’d want to pick a fight with. Bet he and some of his associates could do well in South Africa organizing a “Surviving the Game” type tourism niche over there. I think the whites would be eternally grateful.

  3. If they arent such shitholes why so desperate to leave?

    Over the course of my life I’ve been to many countries. Haiti is particularly bad. Port Au Prince bay is an actual sewer. The raw sewage of the capital city flows directly into it. It smells like that. It is horrible. An actual shithole. I’ve been to many places around the world that use their bays for raw sewage. And that is just the beginning of the disgusting world of the third world in general.

    The third world is a shithole. Quite litterally. And if it isn’t then the left has no grounds to insist on calling so-called “dreamers” dreamers. If all so-called “dreamers” are doing is trying to do the equivalent of moving from Hobboken to Pokepsy what’s the fuss about calling them ”dreamers”?

  4. “years of uprisings, murder, and terrorism had destroyed the white population of Haiti, along with all agricultural production and the economy of what was formerly the most prosperous colony in the Western Hemisphere.”

    it happened recently in south africa and is currently happening here in the usa.

    now the question is where can we go to get away from the non whites who are destined to eliminate western civilization ?
    space ?
    the government won’t / can’t let you unless they find a way to tax you after you go.

  5. Anybody expect anything different?

    I’ve seen aerial photos of the dividing line between Haiti and Dominican Republic and it looks like a desert encroachment on the Haiti side. Haiti was a shithole long before the Clintons started expropriating it. Some weird combination of french and negro that didn’t do as well as Algeria.

    izlamo delenda est …

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