Hall Director Trying To “Start Conversation” About Orgasm Equality – IOTW Report

Hall Director Trying To “Start Conversation” About Orgasm Equality

Jude Legiste, the Director for Drake Hall on the campus of UW-La Crosse, thought it was a good idea to send an e-mail to the hall residence to inform “men how to help women overcome an “orgasm deficit.”


 In defense of the attached paper Legiste claimed, he was just trying to “start a conversation about gender equity.” 


UW- La Crosses response here



35 Comments on Hall Director Trying To “Start Conversation” About Orgasm Equality

  1. Like I’ve always said. I don’t fret too much about whether she’s faking her orgasm, because I’m not.

    Plus, he’s black. I think on the social justice scale of acceptable behavior, he’s entitled to be sexist, mildly homophobic, and hate Mexican food.

  2. He’s says he was just trying to start a conversation on “gender equity”? I think we all know what he was trying to start. The guy is a goof but I’m glad the didn’t fire him as he was only trying to get some.

  3. Isn’t it sexist to make a point of how much extra work it is for a woman to have the ‘O’?

    Might as well say women can’t lift as much or can’t run as fast or as far or can’t hack it in the special forces.

    Why, this is just as sexist as holding the door open for a woman or noticing that the psychotic ranting exhibited today is oddly just like the psychotic ranting exhibited precisely 28 days prior?

    Women and men are no different!

    Nope, in the interests of equality I think the women ought not be given preferential treatment in the areas of Orgasms.

  4. Jane,

    1. Not everyone who comments here is a young whippersnapper.
    2. If you’re young enough to think about it, you’re probably not too old.
    3 I don’t think they were talking about scenarios. I think they were talking about what we in the South call “messin’ around”…


  5. Did it ever occur to these retards that orgasm is absolutely necessary for males to procreate, but 100% unnecessary for females to procreate? D’ya think that may have something to do with it, you brainless wonders? Huh?

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