Handler Sends Crude Tweet Suggesting Lindsey Graham Is Gay, Getting Blackmailed – IOTW Report

Handler Sends Crude Tweet Suggesting Lindsey Graham Is Gay, Getting Blackmailed


Comedian Chelsea Handler posted a tweet Wednesday night suggesting that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) is gay and being blackmailed into siding with President Donald Trump on immigration reform.

Handler said that she had just watched the Tuesday bipartisan meeting that was broadcasted where Trump met with Democrats and Republicans to discuss what the different sides of the aisle wanted to see in the immigration bill.

In her typo-riddled tweet, Handler applied her vulgar comedy when suggesting that there was an inappropriate sexual video of Graham in a compromising situation with another male, and she told him “coming out” would be more honorable.

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26 Comments on Handler Sends Crude Tweet Suggesting Lindsey Graham Is Gay, Getting Blackmailed

  1. She never cared about Obola’s verified pole smoking, so why GAS about Graham’s alleged pole smoking?

    Being a disgusting pervert never hurt Barney Fag’s career or Gerry Studds’ so why would Graham care? Just change party.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “…that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) is gay and being blackmailed into siding with President Donald Trump on immigration reform.”

    As opposed to being gay and being blackmailed into siding with the Dems for his entire career?!

  3. “In her typo-riddled tweet, Handler applied her vulgar comedy when suggesting that there was an inappropriate sexual video of Graham in a compromising situation with another male, and she told him “coming out” would be more honorable.”

    Ms Graham can defend herself (because he’s earned no respect through his duplicitous actions), but wouldn’t it be much more appropriate to substitute “OBAMA” into the above statement?!

    Isn’t it time Barky “evolves” to embrace the limp-wristed fake that we discerned him to be?

  4. I made a Twitter comment comparing North and South Korea, and now my account has been “frozen”. CH makes filthy, frequent Tweets, and Twitter worships her. Trying to deal with a Communist-controlled organization is_______ (fill in the blank).


    Yes, it’s a homophobic rule-breaker, but to the left, (like Islam) it’s permissible to break rules if it’s used to attack the opposition and advance party goals. (Remember Joy Reid gay-bashed Charlie Crist and got a pass?)

    Don’t try to “Whatabout…” the left wing, rules are for Republicans.

  6. I think she miscalculated this time but having said that, she stated (in a most vile, nasty, and mispelled way) what a lot of conservatives think and that is that he is gay and is submitting to some form of blackmail to keep his secret. Oh the irony of a leftwing alcoholic progtard making an accusation in public of a conservative suspicion and getting hammered by both left and right is almost too tasty

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