21 Comments on HANDS OFF!

  1. Bernie Sanders was born September 8, 1941, which makes him 74 years old.. I daresay many IOTWR readers/commenters are getting kinda close to his age (koff, koff), so you might not want to come down TOO hard with the age-related insults.

    Just sayin’…



  2. Yes, he does. He’s got a couple of years on me, but I’m nowhere near as decrepit as that old hippie retread, even though chemo messed up my hair recently. He looks like he might be one of the protesters who wanted to spit on me when I got back to the world in ’68. Once a leftist, always a commie, I figure.

    P.S. – Based on your avatar, you’re looking great for your age.

    Illegitimi non carborundum.


    (Just kidding about the avatar, of course)

  3. I do recall that during the Carter administration that the Carter children were pretty damn ugly and made fun of. Then Chelsea Clinton arrived on the scene and she was described as ugly. It follows the scene that Democratic children are ugly – including Obama’s whoever their parents may be.

  4. For someone that has not known hard labor and has eaten at the public trough his entire life, he sure looks like he has been rode hard his entire life. Is that what a socialist has to do to itself to get through life? It ate him up like a social cancer.

  5. I never had any use for draft dodgers, I didn’t like them back in the 60’s and 70’s and I still don’t like them now. I consider them to be for the most part to be cowards and chicken shits. When it was my turn in 1972 I enlisted in the Navy although I was ready in 1971 out of HS but my Dad (he was in the Air Force between WW2 and Korea and was in Berlin at Templehoff Air base during the Berlin Airlift) told me to wait for another year which was good advice until I got a low draft number in 72. Number 1 was March 6th in the 1972 draft lottery, my birthday is March 4th, when I heard that on the radio I just about fainted, i didn’t want to be drafted so I volunteered which was a good thing and so was the Navy which helped me to grow up as well as to see and experience half of the World in SE Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf etc. from aboard the USS Kitty hawk CV63. I wouldn’t trade those 3 years for anything.

  6. Looks like something out of Star Trek TNG whereby this evil alien used other people as receptacles for his negative energy . If you look at how this assclown talks to everyone, you can clearly see that possibility.

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