Handy Map of Wisconsin’s Paroled Rapist and Murders – IOTW Report

Handy Map of Wisconsin’s Paroled Rapist and Murders

Since taking office in 2018, Governor Tony Evers has worked diligently to release the worst of the worst from Wisconsin’s prisons, even if it meant breaking the law. Here

It would seem to be a public service to warn residents and tourist where all these bad guys were paroled. To make the task even easier a handy map has been created to pinpoint all the evil doers. Here

Note: The map is only of those paroled by Ever’s Parole Commission. It doesn’t include all those convicts pardon by Wisconsin’s incompetent governor.

2 Comments on Handy Map of Wisconsin’s Paroled Rapist and Murders

  1. Looks like Milwaukee got quite a few more democrat votes,,,
    BTW, Milwaukee Journal Politifact fact checkers – The parole commision reports to the Govenor, so it is Tony that released the felons.
    The paper musta get notice they wouldn’t get any Tony ad dollars unless the got Politifarce to do that.


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