Hannity, Geraldo, Bongino get into extreme shouting match – IOTW Report

Hannity, Geraldo, Bongino get into extreme shouting match

Hannity, Geraldo, Bongino get into extreme shouting match over wall: ‘Tell your friends Nancy and Chuckie to get their a** out of bed and show up’.


[…] Dan Bongino — the author of Spygate — underscored: “100% [of illegal immigrants] shouldn’t be here! If one of them goes out and kills someone, the parents aren’t interested in your college-level statistics. They are interested in the fact that the person shouldn’t be here. What are you not getting?!”

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17 Comments on Hannity, Geraldo, Bongino get into extreme shouting match

  1. Yeah. That’s the episode I just turned off. Can’t stand assholes screaming at each other. Makes no sense. I again went to Oregon Lumber Yards to watch the machinery in action. Great stuff.
    PS Dan Bongino is not an asshole.

  2. What I do NOT get at all is why anyone would listen to any segment that includes Geraldoh Rivers, Guano Williams, Jessica Tarlick, Marie Barf, Chris Wallass and other arrogant libidiot luminaries featured on FOX. Their commentary ALWAYS is completely invariant and the segments always devolve into screaming matches. I’d much rather watch bananas rot

  3. I’m truly grateful that I no longer own a television. To be honest, fox news was the impetus for that decision. Don’t miss it at all. It’s actually very liberating.

  4. Do us a favor FNC. Don’t insult us by putting stooges like Harold Rivera and Jose Williams on anymore. We don’t need the opposing viewpoints coming from such irritating ignorant has-beens.

  5. Whenever I have to sit here and listen to Jerry Rivers (because Geoff C. insists on knowing his enemies), my mind drifts to obscure and trivial matters. For example, during that segment I was enjoying a Canada Dry ginger ale and I wondered, “I wonder why Canada Dry is called Canada Dry? Was it because of Prohibition?” Geoff C. disabused me of this notion, pointing out that Canada didn’t have Prohibition. So I Bing’d “Why is Canada Dry called Canada Dry?” Turns out I’m not the only person who — while probably listening to Jerry Rivers — Bing’d the same question. Here is the answer:

    Canada Dry. The “Dry” in the brand’s name refers to not being sweet, as in a dry wine. When John J. McLaughlin, who first formulated “Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale”, originally made his new soft drink, it was far less sweet than other ginger ales then available; as a result, he labelled it “dry”.

    I like Canada Dry ginger ale. It’s very gingery. But they should change the name back to “Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale.” They could charge a lot more for it.

    I don’t like Jerry Rivers. He changed his name to make more money.

  6. That study that claims illegal aliens commit less crime than Americans which Jerry Rivers cited is highly flawed. Almost 30% of inmates in Federal prisons are illegal aliens. Most state and local jails and prisons don’t collect data on the citizenship status of inmates, so the researchers had to use other variables to infer whether an inmate was illegal. One of the variables they studied was whether or not the inmate’s household received government benefits. If they were on benefits, they were counted as not illegal aliens. Because we all know that illegal aliens never collect government benefits, right? (tell that to obongo’s aunt zetuni, sitting up in a section 8 apartment while drawing a disability check).

    Like someone once said, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.


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