Hannity Pulled Gun On Juan Williams – So Says Hand Wringers – IOTW Report

Hannity Pulled Gun On Juan Williams – So Says Hand Wringers

Williams says the incident is overblown, but the network is now looking into it.

It happened a year ago.


Fox News’s Sean Hannity pulled a gun on liberal contributor Juan Williams when the cameras were turned off following a show last year, CNN reports. Three sources tell CNN the incident happened after Hannity and Williams had argued on air. They say Hannity took out a gun and pointed it at Williams, with the light from the gun’s laser sight appearing on Williams’ body. Hannity, who is licensed to carry, says the gun was unloaded, and he took it out “for educational purposes only.” Williams says the incident “is being sensationalized,” adding that he never felt in danger. Regardless, the sources say Williams and others present were obviously upset by the incident when it happened. Fox News says it’s already looked into the situation.

17 Comments on Hannity Pulled Gun On Juan Williams – So Says Hand Wringers

  1. Too many lightholes. Not enough illumination.
    Is the laser sight a constant on unit?
    Is it trigger pressure activated?
    Alas, none of that matters, it was a year ago.
    He said, She said. Megyn Marie What What?
    NBC Bloomberg Gaurdian inspiration?

  2. Who HASN’T wanted to point a gun at Whine Williams every once and awhile? Besides, Whine himself has said that it wasn’t a threat and he was just showing it to him. Get a life, Corrupted Nitwit Network.

  3. Fake news.

    Mr. Williams would have pulled the illegal (illegal in DC and transferred without benefit of FFL) pistol his son gave him and shot Mr. Hannity if Mr. Hannity had actually pulled his legal weapon.

    “Skin that smokewagon and see what happens …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Is the laser sight a constant on unit?
    Is it trigger pressure activated?
    – Jack .D. Nimble

    No laser sight is trigger activated. Think about it for a bit. What good is a laser sight that doesn’t paint the target until you’re pulling the trigger?

    I have a $2 bill that says his gun has a pressure switch on the grip. Like a Crimson Trace.


    The way they characterize it as “pulled a gun on Juan” is despicable.

    Sweeping someone with the muzzle of an unloaded gun is still a no-no, but it’s not the same as intentionally threatening the life of another.

    I truly hate libs, and all other variations of the left

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