Images from:
1 grool (Buck) 7 month old retriever/shepherd
2 forcibly deranged (Kilo)
3 forcibly deranged (Logan) at leisure on one of the quilts d-i-l made.
4 Jane
5 Truckbuddy (Sammy)
6 Ghost – (Hudson River Herons)
7 SuperNightShade (Kodiak Bear) At Grandfather Mountain, caught here getting a peanut treat from his keeper.
8 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
9 RickeyG (Esther)
10 Claudia (Squirrel) in Zion National Park
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for. Thanks!
- Halloween Critters
- Sleepy Critters
- Critters Who Rescued Their Humans: Showing up just at the right time when we need them for companionship, etc.
I like the great blue herons the best.
I call the comergrant bird a
‘greasy salt water diving duck’.
We have both here on the gulf.
I’m scratching my head over Jane’s pick of that deer. Lighting? or is that for real? Very unusual.
@gin blossom
Happiness is….
Coffee in hand, a dog in my lap, and Claudia’s Critters on a lazy Sunday morning!
…Kodiak is one of several bears on Grandfather Mountain, N.C., and ALL of them are basically “rescues”, according to their keepers, as are ALL their animals, because they’re human habituated. Simply put, they do not fear humans and quite enjoy their garbage cans, so these bears were such a nuisance elsewhere that they would have been destroyed if these folks hadn’t taken them.
And they can’t take them all. It’s the top of a mountain, not a LOT of room up there…
…remember this when you’re in the woods, especially in the mountains. Feeding a bear or leaving it your garbage is a great way to get it killed.
…trying to HAND feed a bear or PET a bear,on the other hand, is a great way to get YOURSELF killed.
…these guys and gals are so cuddly-looking and such hams, especially when getting their treats, that the keepers say they have to pay extra attention that no one tries to, ah, interact with them. I may curse our dear Claudia with a couple more of my terrible pictures of them, and maybe if they’re not al too horrible for even her considerable skill to salvage, she’ll have a us for them to post them sometime down the road. But you can’t trust people around fuzzy animals, even when they DO have railspike claws. A ranger in a different park once told of being at a bear sighting and he noticed a woman behaving strangely with her young son. When he approached, he saw she was putting something on his face. He asked, and was told “It’s honey, so the bear can lick it off and I can take a picture of it.”. After getting over his shock at such monumental stupidity, he invited her to remove the honey, herself, and her son from the locale and suggested that she not do that ever again for the life of her son.
…and she VOTES, I’m sure, but that’s a different subject for another time…
…anyway, if you happen down in West NC, around a ski resort town named Banner Elk, check it out. They have some other animals and even some bald eagles there, and boy, do they have looking-at-mountains for you…
…thanks again to Claudia for cleaning this up and showing this fine fellow. He’s quite a character in person…
….a wet nose.
What did I win?
Happiness…a pat on the head…
@Jane- dog or deer??!
Great pics everyone and enjoy your Sunday!
Awww so sweet.
gin blossom OCTOBER 13, 2019 AT 8:27 AM
I’m scratching my head over Jane’s pick of that deer. Lighting? or is that for real? Very unusual.
I thought it was a goat… Great group as usual.
Quick story…
Chicago Hunters!?
Wife’s cousin was Fish & Wildlife for the Feds at Crab Orchard (Southern IL).
Many, many stories…
While manning the check station for the deer kill one day a hunter brought in a small antlerless deer that was properly tagged. Joey took the tag off and told the hunter he could reuse it as there was no limit on that breed of deer. When asked to explain he restated that there’s no limit on those, but the farmer might object to you killing his Jersey calves.
Claudia, my parents and a family friend were just at Zion yesterday!
Wow, how does Sammy get his white so white?!
Thanks, Claudia – that brightened my day.
Cool pix. Stopped to gas up the vehicle yesterday afternoon in Wytheville. Va. Black pickup truck at the next pump over had the cutest little white dog, a lot like number #5, except her ears were dyed pink. She was also a big hit with a couple of little girls in a van with Penn. license plate.