Happy Belated B-Day Brandon Baxter, Continue To Rot In A Fed Prison – IOTW Report

Happy Belated B-Day Brandon Baxter, Continue To Rot In A Fed Prison

Yesterday was Brandon “Scabby” Baxter’s 25th Birthday. Brandon is currently sitting in a federal corrections facility in Pekin, IL.
Scabby got himself arrested along with four other domestic terrorists of the Occupy Cleveland Movement about five years ago for plotting to blow up a local bridge.

Turns out the only thing these dangerous idiots blew up was their own plot when the FBI was the one supplying them with fake explosives.


How to contact Brandon and send him a belated birthday card Here

Brandon received a 9 year, 9 month sentence in 2012 so he’s about half way through his sentence now.  To his credit he did admit on the day of his sentencing to the following:

“I would like to acknowledge the fact that I recognize and understand that if the devices were real, this would not be a victimless crime.”

“I would like to apologize to the people in the communities that use the Route 82 bridge on a regular basis. If this had gone through, this would have been a detriment to everybody,” he said.
Funny, I found Antifa and Occupy websites trying to make this guy out to be some kind of martyr. These don’t look like the words of someone victimized by the legal system.

18 Comments on Happy Belated B-Day Brandon Baxter, Continue To Rot In A Fed Prison

  1. Imagine how surprised he’ll be when he gets out of prison and President Trump will be just starting his 2nd term.

    I wonder what other development he’ll miss over the next 4 years of being in stir?

  2. Interesting side note…Pekin’s sports teams were called the “Chinks”

    and sported Dragons on all of their uniforms…They finally caved in a

    few Years back….Almost bought a house there..But I did not…

    Not for righteous indignation…but the fact that the Realtor never

    called Me back

  3. These guys weren’t smart at all. What’s amazing is that they were convicted under Obumble’s watch.

    Now then, let’s see a bunch more of the lefty progtard terrorists get the cell. C’mon, Sessions, lock up about a hundred AntiFAs.

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