Happy Birthday, Fur! – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday, Fur!

Happy Birthday balloons


119 Comments on Happy Birthday, Fur!

  1. Your Horoscope:

    Being a Scorpio born on November 14th, your caring and sensitive nature is matched by tremendous willpower and determination. You will do just about anything to help those you care about, which explains why you sometimes act like the parent of your friend group. You put great determination into looking out for the interests of your loved ones and you take the same willpower into all aspects of your life. When you meet a challenge that you care about, you wont stop working until the job is done and your goals have been achieved.


  2. The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a hunter shooting wild ducks. Sometimes a hunter kills for sustenance, but sometimes he kills for sport. You must realize when your aggression are necessary and when they are purely for your own enjoyment. Find socially acceptable ways to release your aggressions, either as an individual or in a group.

  3. Scot’s Gaelic

    Là breith sona dhuit, Laddie! (Happy Birthday)
    Slàinte mhor a h-uile là a chi ‘s nach fhaic. (Great health to you every day that I see you and every day that I don’t)

    I’ll be raising a wee dram of the aqua vitae to you at me hearth this grey Erie day. (OK maybe a few wee drams.)

  4. Hell yeah Wyatt and as the great Mickey Mantle said “If I had known I was going to live this long, I’da taken better care of myself.” Same here. Hey Fur stay away from the fags and the booze and that raw fish shit.

  5. Being a Scorpio born on November 14th, your caring and sensitive nature is matched by tremendous willpower and determination.>>

    Damn fucking right

    You will do just about anything to help those you care about>>

    if only I knew somebody I cared about.

    which explains why you sometimes act like the parent of your friend group. >>

    Yes, I put them to bed early without desert.

    You put great determination into looking out for the interests of your loved ones>>

    Why yes, I’d love a beer.

    and you take the same willpower into all aspects of your life. When you meet a challenge that you care about, you wont stop working until the job is done and your goals have been achieved.>>>

    zzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzz

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