Happy Birthday Mr. Pinko – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday Mr. Pinko

51 Comments on Happy Birthday Mr. Pinko

  1. make a wish and blow out all the candles-have a great day with many more to follow.
    As Sherriff John sang-put another candle on the birthday cake you another year old today.
    Frolich Gebertsatg Herr Pink. best wishes-long life. 🙂

  2. 300 condoms times 30 seconds each. Now you know.

    @MJA re: watermelon cake. Watermelon cookies = any recipe for sugar cookies and add a packet of watermelon unsweetened Kool Aid. I suppose you could make a yellow or white cake and add several packets of watermelon Kool Aid. Then send to Pinko for late night dining pleasure.

  3. Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Had a great day. Spoke to Curt Schilling on his radio show (will post tomorrow) and went bowling with my buddy James O’Keefe from Project Veritas. He showed me his personal invite from President elect Donald Trump (God I love saying that) to the Inauguration. I’ll be at the Inauguration and the DeploraBall. Thanks again for the birthday wishes. You guys ROCK!

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