¡Happy “Cinco de Cuatro”! – IOTW Report

¡Happy “Cinco de Cuatro”!

Obama confuses Cinco de Mayo with Cinco de Quatro. Instead of saying Fifth of May, he says Fifth of Four. He seems to realize his mistake, but everyone know’s you can’t un-ring a bell. Another classic blunder added to the list *cough* 57 states*cough*…

14 Comments on ¡Happy “Cinco de Cuatro”!

  1. …my HR department is completely clueless, which is remarkable here because some of them are Hispanic, but none are Mexican so there’s that.

    …they did the break room up in ONE of the plants (where we have 3 all in one big block) up in Mexican flag colors, balloons, tablecloths, etc., for a Cinco de Mayo celebration even though we have Mexicans in all 3 plants, but they don’t let them wander around, so 2 plants got NOTHING.

    …But the Company seemes to think Hispanic=Mexican, which is pretty wrong since MOST of our Spanish speaking employees are from points South, e.g. Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, etc., who neither know nor care about Mexican independence from France.

    Even the ACTUAL Mexicans could care less, they don’t really celebrate it THERE, but up HERE it’s a nice excuse to have a Fiesta if nothing else, so they do it mostly from ennui and to stick it in gringos’ faces.

    They went with the SUPER racist teeming, too. Lots of stickers and appliqués and banners featuring cacti, red peppers, Frito Bandito style somberos, piñatas, margaretas, maracas, etc., like someone sat down and said, ‘everybody, what’s some good Mexican stereotypes you learned watching TV as a kid? GO!! ENDELE, ARRIBA, AH HA!’

    Good thing the HR staff is mostly some shade of brown, or you’d have probably heard about this on the news by now.

    …but that’s not as clueless as what they did in the OTHER plant. Having only enough money for ONE giant Hispanic insult, they apparently wanted to prove they could be clueless about OTHER cultures too, and did so in the bigger plant that did NOT get the South of the Border shaming.

    ..see, are actual BIGGEST ethnic group is French speaking Muslims from all over Africa, and Ramadan has been going on since April 12th. This makes our Muslims very crabby as they can’t smoke or eat as long as the sun is up for that month, and actually the second shift ones are crabbier because they have to be at work when the sun goes down instead of having the iftar feast.

    …so, our HR folks put a “Happy Ramadan!” display together, and said “have a Ramadan treat on us!”

    …that they put out at 9 o’clock IN THE MORINING, and are gone LONG before shift change and not replenished.

    Because it’s BAKERY CUP CAKES that go BAD after they sit for a few hours, so even the ones that get them in THE MORNING can’t keep them till sunset, because they just dry up, plus they don’t have anywhere to PUT them and it’s a food plant so they can’t take them on the floor.

    And the bakery closes long before shift change, so the folks who COULD enjoy a nice cupcake, CAN’T GET ONE.

    I think it’s kind of funny, but I’m not Muslim.

    …and I don’t think the ingredients are certified halal either, but that could actually be a troll by the Hindu HR staffers who WANT to send them to Muzzie hell, but that’s between them in the East as to whether it’s just idiocy or active malice, but to me it’s just funny how hard a multicultural staff fails at being multicultural…


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