Happy Festivus! – IOTW Report

Happy Festivus!

h/t Illustr8r

“I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re going to hear about it!”

Let the airing of the grievances begin….

ga head.

44 Comments on Happy Festivus!

  1. Why should the ‘airing of grievances’ be restricted to one day of the year? I’ve got a lot of problems with people 365 days a year.

    It’s funny, but I wore my #FJB hat out to dinner tonight and had several people tell me they liked my hat. I simply responded, I wish I didn’t have to wear it.

    This here *resident is annoying the fuck out of me. He won’t resign. He won’t die. The code of succession is NOT in our favor either. I don’t see a way out of this election theft.

    Yeah. I don’t see a good way out of this mess.

    Plus my iphone and laptop are not friendly right now either.

    This curmudgeon is getting more curmudgeonly by the moment.

    /just grousing. grrr.

  2. Constant, continuous, endless forever commercial reminders from WAdotGov to go get a vaccine and to go get my booster on every radio, podcast that I listen to. Shud UP!!!! I gotta problem with that!!

  3. And then the only conservative radio beacon out of DC (Chris Plante, Dan Bongino, Vince Coglianese, Mark Levin) continues to air commericials for Facebook about how their thousands of content monitors are protecting us against free speech.
    Their ads are infuriating.

    Please, WMAL, stop taking the free money from Zuckerberg. That messaging is in sharp contrast to your programming.

  4. My gripe is that I can’t even watch any new version of a show that I used to love.

    They had a “The Price is Right at Night” on last night with families and of course they had two gay dads & their obviously adopted minority kids.
    CBS’s modern version of a traditional Norman Rockwell American family…BARF!

    Fucking woke turns it all to shit.

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine
    DECEMBER 23, 2021 AT 8:15 PM
    “Tell me about it Illustr8r, here in Vegas they have multiple different vax commercials about young kids getting the vax.
    It’s some evil shit!”

    …I can’t even pump gas without seeing this hideous ad showing 5 year olds happily playing while they tell their parents to jab them…

  6. Lighten up @Loco. Two faggots adopting trophy minority children is wonderful and lovely and you’re supposed to admire these loving queers for bringing these children into their homes.

    It’s all on the up and up, right? Right?

    I got the same vibe from Jeopardy with the dude in the dress. He. I mean she, looks like she could play middle linebacker for the Washington Football Team, formerly known as the Redskins.

    He gets himself a nice close shave though. He’s a better man than me in that regard.

  7. Fear porn about everything! Today, I got a note from NextDoor and our local water district that holiday gatherings could cause your septic to overflow.

    Reading between the lines it really means don’t get together at Xmas because of Covid. πŸ’© 🀑

  8. @Illustr8r.

    Yes. you should remain very afraid. Do as you as you are told. Do not question the geniuses in charge of your life.

    If the the waste water people insist on knowing about your bowel movements I recommend a large bag that you can deliver to their doorstep so that they can do a thorough examination.

    Resist the temptation to set the bag on fire.

  9. PHenry, I have been tuning in to Jeopardy at 7:24 lately just in the hope that the dude gets cooked.
    I can’t stomach watching the whole show.
    The final Jeopardy questions have been pretty easy for him.
    The question about “Lois Lane” was very easy.
    Of course her challenger missed it the dumbass.

  10. @ LocoBlancoSaltine DECEMBER 23, 2021 AT 8:15 PM

    As for the edit button, just be sure it’s a tazer not a Glock before you hit send…

    Not too soon in my opinion. Wrong hand, wrong color, right in front of her face. In 26 years, she should have had enough training to not be that stupid.

    The sentence may be to hard, but she fucked up and needs to pay for it.

  11. airing of grievances part one.

    The cat video on this website.

    Second grievance is when Joe Biden is given airtime.

    Third grievance. Songs about wooden tits.

    Wooden tit be loverly.
    or the beach boys.
    Wooden tit be nice.

    what’s this thing about wooden tits?
    I am not in favor of these things.

    I prefer soft and supple….OK. nevermind.

  12. PHenry, just checked in on Jeopardy…the dude won again…easily.
    They are stacking some dummies against that motherfucker big time.

    Hunter, I agree, she killed a thug but it’s on her.
    She fucked up and it cost a life.
    I am principled enough to be fair and she must pay a price.
    I think she deserves to pay with a 10 yr sentence where she serves 5.

  13. PHenry, I agree, it was best for society.

    That said, we have to trust the folks we give the power of lethal weapons to.
    Some of these assholes are arresting people for not wearing masks or getting the jab.
    I don’t want idiots, morons & asswagons having that unconditional power.

  14. I am 100% consistent on this.
    Years ago a cop in Louisville was driving at high speeds the wrong way down a One-Way street. He crashed into a father of four, killing him instantly.
    The cop was supposedly chasing a drug dealer.
    Not sure what happened to the cop but that was negligent bullshit that ruined many peoples lives.
    For what? Chasing a drug dealer?

    If we don’t hold cops accountable when it warrants it we cannot defend the ones that really need defending.

  15. I really miss shopping at downtown Seattle department stores. There are ZERO department stores in downtown now. It breaks my heart every Christmas season that the pre-1980’s Frederick and Nelson department store is gone forever. No stores decorate their windows for Christmas. The glass windows are papered over with ads for perfumes and other commercial stuff. No sign of Santa.

    We shopped at Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood today. The mall santa was worse than pathetic. Not his fault; the guy looked like he didn’t know where he was or why. He didn’t even have his Santa jacket or hat on, and people were lining up to have their childrens’ picture taken with a VERY old man with long, greasy, gray-ish/yellow-ish hair who had no Santa jacket or hat. You could get a better picture of yourself sitting next to a stranger at a bus stop.

  16. @AA I definitely miss shopping in downtown Seattle too. πŸ₯Ί I’d meet a friend downtown and we’d shop all over. Coffee at Pike Place and we’d splurge and have lunch at the Palomino. There was a cool store next to Macy’s in a skinny wedge building that sold Zippo lighters and 1940’s inspired men’s clothing. And near the market a store that sold Docs and Fluevogs. Great memories…all gone now.

  17. @Diogenes Several restaurants here (preCovid) had waiters that would respond after telling them what I wanted to eat with, β€œNicely done.”

    Are they going to pat my head and give me a participation trophy for being able to order off the menu?!?

  18. How many years before all kid’s bicycles are electric?
    They won’t know how to work a pedal.
    Fat little bastards!
    Manual transmissions will be gone as well. Sigh*
    So much fun shifting through a turn…

    Me, I’ll be a happy old man yelling at the clouds because we lived in the best of times before the fall

  19. I know I failed in my first grievance regarding my tepid dislike of pickles, but I think I’m on to something.

    Spanish Peanuts. Are they called Spanish peanuts because someone was too lazy to take the skin off them, or because they look brown?

    In either case they would properly be referred to as Mexican peanuts….

    Yes, hellbound, I know. But at least I’m trying.

  20. Happy Boxing Day! aka Regift Your Shitgift Day

    FUCK Kwanzaa. It’s a FAKE bullshit “holiday” cooked up by a failed race-baiting Socialist sociology perfesser.


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