Happy Ramadan – IOTW Report

Happy Ramadan

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15 Comments on Happy Ramadan

  1. Oh, just great! Now, anyone that can’t get to The Great Satan, can still destroy The Great Satan’s cities, by drowning them in global warming waters. Thanks, BFH.

  2. Spent the past several hours reading archives of frontpagemag.com pre-muslim Obama 2008, 2009.

    Bottom line: same as Jefferson said in 1806. Islam is founded on subjugating and killing non-believers until none exist. There is nothing more important in Islam than this. It is what Mohammed is revered for doing.

    Because of this, there are no “moderate” muslims. This is the core of their religion. If they don’t act upon it themselves, the celebrate those who do.

    We owe Islam no more understanding and respect that we owe the KKK, Nazis or Communists and must be as determined in casting them out. If they hold to that belief, let them live in Muslim countries.

  3. Ramalamadingdong Mubarak.

    1573 Pisslamic kills since the festival of gore started and still 2.5 days to go.
    There needs to be many more premature detonations of mindless primitives.

  4. Ramadan is the name of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Muslims’ concept of the nature of God and forgiveness of sin is very different from a Christian’s.

    Jesus’ sacrifice for sin is a onetime free gift for everyone as per Romans 10:9&10 ~
    9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    God the Father took it upon Himself to reconcile mankind to Him.

    In Islam, you gotta work for it. You have to submit to the Five Pillars of Islam that will spare you Allah’s wrath (maybe) and these are:
    1. Shahada – Profession of Faith (There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet)
    2. Salah – Prayer 5X day Facing Mecca, the position of your body is also important and you can’t rest your ass on your heels or something like that.
    3. Zakat – Giving of Alms (terrorists get 2.5% of your income)
    4. Sawm – Fasting during Ramadan and then gorging yourself once the sun goes down
    5. Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca and get trampled to death by the thousands

    In 1 John 1:19 we know that once saved, we only have to confess our sins as they occur:
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Muslims do not believe in original sin and forgiveness of current sins is a continual effort. Muslims use prayer beads to count the number of times they say these prayers asking for forgiveness; they pray over and over and over again because Allah is hard of hearing and if you are truly righteous you can do this all day long:
    Waqur rabbighfir warham wa’anta khayrur rahimeen.
    So say, “Our Lord! Grant us forgiveness and mercy! For You are the Best of those who show mercy.”
    Quran 23:118

    Rabbi inni zalamto nafsi faghfirli.
    Oh my Lord, I have indeed wronged my soul!
    Quran 28:16

    Rabbana innana amanna faghfir lana zonoobana waqina ‘athaban nar.
    Our Lord! We have indeed believed. Forgive us our sins and save us from the agony of the Fire.

    Then of course there’s that whole Death To Infidels thing.

  5. mohammad, the false prophet, is the tool of satan, those who believe, praise and pray in his name are fools readying themselves for the lake of fire. May you suffer eternally for the chaos, murder and mayhem you bring upon society.

  6. The final words in the prayers Muslims say each day are “Undoubtedly, Your torment is going to overtake infidels.”

    Christian or Jewish prayer asks that non-believers be shown the way. Nowhere are they referred to as infidels or threatened with torment.

    This is the hate that even “moderate” Muslims are taught and that it’s just a matter of time before infidels are totally eliminated.

  7. @pageoturner


    FAT FINGERED POSITIVE SCORE. Those tiny up down arrows require a new abbreviation due to frequency of occurrence of inadvertent down arrows. We’re all on mobile devices and it’s tough with no confirmation or undo it just happens. FFPS is my submission for a correction.

  8. Lol!
    What if somebody circulated a bogus fatwa that commands moslems to do this to prove their devotion to the moon god? Tell them they will get an extra 10 virgins and a dozen goats if they turn themselves into ash.

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