Harris and Warren Support Reparations for Blacks – IOTW Report

Harris and Warren Support Reparations for Blacks


Two leading Democratic presidential candidates — U.S. Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts — have reportedly said they support reparationsfor black Americans affected by slavery, reflecting a shift in the importance of race and identity issues within the party.

The New York Times reported Thursday that Harris doubled down on her support for reparations after agreeing with a host on the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club” that the race-conscious policy was necessary to address the legacies of slavery and discrimination in the United States.

“We have to be honest that people in this country do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities,” Harris said in the statement to the Times. “I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities.”

Warren also supports reparations.


I guess this is the way Smollett could pay his fine!

33 Comments on Harris and Warren Support Reparations for Blacks

  1. They have been getting reparations. Its called entitlements! The reparations they need now are from the Democratic party for enslaving them to begin with and keeping them enslaved.

  2. Every descendent of Great Britain’s and “Northern” businesses of the 1700’s and 1800’s that imported slaves captured by african chieftains and muslims should pay the original wrongly transported slaves that are still living.

    Now, how about paying white indentured servants that are still living?

  3. Gonna be one heckuva whammy if Smollett’s phone records come out with Harris (and Booker?) helping arrange the hoax…too much of a coincidence with their “anti-lynching” legislation.

  4. Already been paid.
    $Trillions and $Trillions.
    Affirmative Action.
    “Dumbing Down” of education – primary, secondary, higher, college, university, and advanced.
    Promotions in the Armed Forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA.
    Corruption of the DOJ.
    The advent of “Hate Crimes” of a one-way nature.
    The burning of Ferguson and Baltimore.
    The vilification of Zimmerman (a “white-hispanic”).
    The abolition of insurance “discrimination.”
    The abolition of debt “discrimination.”
    The nationalization of “student debt.”
    Rap “music.”
    Negroes in every fukkin commercial on TV.
    “Hamilton” the musical.

    Fuck off – Paid in Full – Over and Over Again.
    If you’re not careful, you’ll get what you deserve.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I sure as heck hope this idiotic idea by these 2 braindead Senators goes over like a lead anvil Wile E Coyote style. Reparations were already paid in blood during the Civil War with over 600,000 deaths on both sides, how many times do we have to keep repeating this. But I guess American history the way it’s taught now is no longer important.

  6. …sure, lets take property from one set of people who had nothing to do with slavery based on their looks alone, and give it to another group of people who had nothing to do with slavery based on their looks alone.

    Seems legit.

    Kind of makes me wonder about where that leaves mulattos like Obama, though. And I guess Sally Hemming’s descendants can just take money out of their right pocket and put it in the left…

  7. …lots of Americans were impressed into the English navy after the founding of the country. Does that mean that White people who look like Limeys will be required to cut checks to White people who don’t?

  8. They get reparations every time:
    They open something to eat or drink with a safety seal
    Eat meat certified by the FDA instead of some bush meat
    Travel through a green light safely
    Their children play with a toy that has been certified as safe
    They are hurt and paramedics drive to their house and treat them
    They are a victim of crime and the cops investigate and pursue justice for them
    When they go to a doctor and are treated by a doctor who is trained and certified.
    When they say some white racists assault them and the cops believe them and investigate their claims as true until proven otherwise.

  9. …The logical extension of this is that every person with Mayan or Aztec features can expect Ocasio-Cortez to pass her paycheck to them, because her looks AND her name suggests a link to Hernán Cortés, the well-known European colonizer and enslaver of people darker than HE was.

    …fair’s fair, pony up Alexandria, lead by example, ’cause after all…

    ‘We have to be honest that people in this country and throughout Central and South America do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities because of Conquistadors. I’m serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in Aztec communities.”

  10. The Good GENERAL Svejk
    FEBRUARY 22, 2019 AT 8:17 AM
    “Gonna be one heckuva whammy if Smollett’s phone records come out with Harris (and Booker?) helping arrange the hoax…too much of a coincidence with their “anti-lynching” legislation.”

    …you’ll never hear about it ig they DO find one, because, Chicago, and Democrats…you’ve only got THIS much because it distracts from Hillary and Mueller revelations damaging to the “peach fody fibe” crowd.

    …and, even if someone DID find it, AND lived long enough to tell someone ELSE, that lede would be buried immediately in favor of a story about President Trump seeming to pick his nose like a Russian would in 1972…

  11. I’m all for reparations. Make sure it’s a sizable amount, at least a cool million bucks for every single one of them, even if they claim 1/1024. One caveat, don’t withhold taxes, but rather have them pay quarterly installments or the whole thing on April 15th. Hear me out: After they get it, they can’t ever ask for it again. Give them a year and 99% of them will be flat broke and 99% of them will be in trouble with the IRS and most of them will end up in jail. If you believe in trickle down economics (as I do), it will be a boost for the economy and in the end the evil white crackers will hold all their money (again).

  12. “We have to be honest that people in this country do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities,”

    And that has been different where and when during the history of the known universe?

    Someone should ask Harris that, just to keep things in perspective, but shouldn’t expect an answer that makes any sense or even addresses the question that was asked.

  13. …there’s a LOT of American “Blacks” that will OWE money in a reparations scheme if they allow ACTUAL Africans to do the “Black Enough” judging, at least if this bit of history recounted by Richard Pryor is anything to go by…

    “Pryor: “In Zimbabwe I said, ‘Excuse me, which tribe do you think I might be from? Maybe you see something in my features that tells you where my ancestors come from?’ And this African looks at me for a while and finally he says, ‘Italian.’ ””


  14. “there’s a LOT of American “Blacks” that will OWE money in a reparations scheme if they allow ACTUAL Africans to do the “Black Enough” judging”

    That is the absolute truth.
    But since the whitey and the jamaican pot smoker will be handing out the actual cash, they’ll be the ones who have to settle the fight between the light, medium and dark blacks and have to get each one of them to prove they are indeed black according to when their ancestors even got to the US. That sounds racist. I’m sure kamala’s Jamaican dad will really hate her for this one. LOL!

    By the way. How are they going to say no to the whites who identify as black? You know rachel dolezal and shaun king have their hands out.
    And hillary could use some extra hot sauce for her many purses.

  15. It’s ridiculous to think something that ended 160 years ago is affecting people today WHO WERE NEVER THERE. I’m supposed to believe we have more people alive who were touched by slavery than we have people who were touched by WWII.


  16. I’m more in favor of this, than you can possibly imagine. And, once there’s too much momentum to stop the “Constitutional” process, without causing insurrection a crisis, I’ll be sure to remind everyone of the structural discrimination against wymyn (biological, as well as by choice). It’s just a single word that needs to be added. Before the new President (in name, or just more of not the Trump we voted for) signs it. Freedom’s just another word for not gettin’ off the couch til there’s nuthin’ left to lose.

  17. I woke up today without any reason to think about race. Like every day.

    But there it is again, THEY make everything about race, and I DESPISE them for it.

    My family had absolutely zero to do with slavery. Zero. You take my white man’s property and I shoot you criminals in the face.

    Six more days in Black Racist’s History Month. Have a nice day.

  18. Reviving the notion of reparations is proof positive that Blexit is working. The dems can see if they lose a percentage of the black vote, they are done. Their only hope is to continue to buy votes.

  19. 22 Trillion spent on anti-poverty programs since the War on Poverty (1965). Of that, 13.5% (3 Trillion) went to blacks. 3.9 million slaves liberated (at a cost of a million white lives). That comes to $769,000 per slave. Even adjusted by inflation, that is way more than 40 acres and a mule. And where de we whites go for reparations for OUR ancestors who died to free the slaves?

  20. “Just give me a suitcase full of junk jewelry and the address of that ni**er.”

    Punchline to an old joke.

    Pretty much the foundation for “reparations.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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