Harris Rides Again With Multiple Word Salads and Cringe Moments – IOTW Report

Harris Rides Again With Multiple Word Salads and Cringe Moments


She’s back. Off-script Kamala Harris returned with a vengeance on Sunday providing several mock-worthy moments.

Often compared to Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character on “Veep,” Harris has long spun word salads and spoken nonsensically when she ventures off the teleprompter. Until this point, though, her astroturfed campaign (in which she won zero primary votes before becoming the nominee) was doing a relatively decent job wrapping her in political bubble wrap. She’d do some rallies with opening musical acts, read short speeches, and generally get nowhere near any situation that wasn’t heavily produced and focus-grouped. 

Someone running for president can’t do that forever. To prove that, here’s Harris on the stump as if she just chugged a bottle of Jose Cuervo before going on stage. 

16 Comments on Harris Rides Again With Multiple Word Salads and Cringe Moments

  1. If there is a debate, I think PDT will have to reprise his line from the Juneteenth Week mugging of Biden: “ I don’t know what she just said, and I don’t think she does either.”

  2. I don’t believe The Republic includes duality.

    Duality: Duality is the state of combining two different things, such as joy and hope, fear and despair.

    The Biden Harris Administration attacked “Joy and Hope” for over 3 1/2 years. They succeeded destroying joy and hope for 10s of thousands of families nation wide through implementing the new green deal, unemployment, raising inflation, increased cost of all food, goods and services, gasoline prices doubled, depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, limiting oil exploration, allowing 18 million illegal immigrants to cross our borders without vetting their background and criminal history.

    Major US cities have been filled with car jackings, assaults, looting & burning businesses, rape, murder and all crime statistics have increased in severity and numbers.

    Obama/Biden, Biden/Harris and marxists Harris/Walz have sold division, propaganda and fear to ruin a once free and unified Nation. Each divided group of individuals are pandered to by being told what they want to hear.

    Meaningless Words, NOT ACTION, look at what the Biden/Harris administration accomplished in 3 3/4 years of control and what they’ve done to hope for our Nation while sowing the seeds of fear and despair for the next 4 years.

    Expect more of the worst from Harris/Walz.
    The Marxists and Socialists have rebelled against their Democrat Primary voters for Biden, forced him the withdraw and the socialist establishment hand selected two ULTRA_Liberal candidates (Harris/Walz) that can be manipulated like Biden.

    Harris/Walz have nowhere near the level of knowledge, experience or intelligence required of a President. The roll of a puppet and puppet Master is set for another term of fear, despair and BIG government control.

    Yeah, duality alright; Deceitful Words Versus the Actions of Evil, all for the singular purposes of Control and Power to feed the establishment Elites.

  3. She’s right about one thing: freedom is fragile and we are on the brink of losing it. What she meant is that she intends to push freedom over that brink and off the cliff.

  4. Just like Liberals always apply nice sounding labels to evil initiatives, expect the same with their words… the exact opposite. They always couch themselves in pleasant platitudes.

  5. The media will cover for her. The average American that does not pay attention to politics will just see the media propaganda. The Democrats will do everything and anything illegal to “win”.


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