Harris Spox… “We’re going to pass a law that lowers prices” – IOTW Report

Harris Spox… “We’re going to pass a law that lowers prices”

15 Comments on Harris Spox… “We’re going to pass a law that lowers prices”

  1. Say, why dont they pass a law against shooting people in Chicago?

    How about passing a law against coercing people into taking experimental and dangerous untested drugs?

    And while they’re at it, a law against entering the country illegally would be nice…

  2. Tropicana orange juice went from 52 oz bottle to 46.
    Label says “New package, same great taste”
    Might as well say, “Dumbass consumers, keep voting democrat”

  3. “It’s not our fault. It’s never our fault. But we can fix it with more of the same.” Imagine how much of a dumbass a person has to be to swallow the same old lies from Democrats.

  4. Yeah, Right! Like the guy on the right says (paraphrased), “We don’t have the time to sit around and wonder why things happened in the last three [or four] years….”.

    These are very stupid people! Don’t know who or why the economy is crashing. But! order up the same plate of Marxist-commie dog turds! That’ll fix it!

  5. They needn’t work so hard to tell me how stupid they all are, I already know. Go ahead, pass a law containing grocery store prices. The resulting famine will touch off the civil war we might just need to right the ship.

  6. Every price increase in the last 3.5 years is because of government interference in the marketplace. If the communists gain more power there’s going to be even more government interference.


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