Harry and Meg Named Duke and Duchess of Sucks#ss – IOTW Report

Harry and Meg Named Duke and Duchess of Sucks#ss


Prince Harry and Meghan will no longer use their HRH titles and will not receive public funds for royal duties, Buckingham Palace has announced.

The couple will also no longer formally represent the Queen.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex intend to repay £2.4m of taxpayer money for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home, the statement added.

The new arrangement comes into effect in spring this year, the palace said.

The statement comes after the Queen held talks with the couple on Monday about their future, following their announcement that they wanted to “step back” as senior royals and divide their time between the UK and Canada. More

21 Comments on Harry and Meg Named Duke and Duchess of Sucks#ss

  1. Reminds me of the Asters???
    Where they were rebuked by queenie
    and lived their entire life as house
    guests of their rich friends.Why didn’t party boy
    marry a fresh young nymph maiden instead of that
    used up skank ???

  2. Harry you really ain’t that smaht are you, your granny had your mom whacked!
    Don’t care what happens to the royal outcasts
    I predict a skiing accident in Whistler

  3. The opposite of the fairy tale. Instead of the commoner girl marrying the prince and becoming royalty to live happily ever after, she turns the prince into a commoner so she can rule him.

  4. Edward VII once asked an attendant prior to meeting the King of Tonga “ is he a real king, or just another ni@@er?”

    I bet there is still a lot of that mentality in the British aristocracy.

  5. This is very easy to explain as to why they abandoned the easy life and ran away together…..Hers is that she has a talent that can be associated with a garden hose and a golf ball……His is that he inherited his daddies ears and they make great handles….

  6. This malignant bitch ruined his life. A used-up grade-b actress divorcee pushing middle age gets her claws in a troubled man younger than she is, and does what malignant narcisissts do: destroy.

    She’s making his life a living hell now, having destroyed his family ties, his ties to his army buddies and his friends.

    Unless harry finds enormous fortitude and a very thick skin (his humilation will be very public and worldwide), this guy just might kill himself as the only way out from this psycho markel.

    Read about it:


  7. What’s he gonna do when he gets back to Vancouver? Maybe take care of Archie (I’m not fond of that name but a cute kid) It is shocking how much driving around and photo ops Meghan has been seen at what with an infant to take care of (who’s the nanny?) H. needs to take A. for a ride, hop a plane and go home!

  8. Daddy will still supply the big bucks, so sonny need not worry. I predict Archie has not been stripped of his royal entitlements just because his parents have.

    The sort of stuff is mere nonsense to us, but seismic to Brits.

    I’m just glad Eve landed in Canada after getting Adam booted from the Windsor garden.

  9. Daddy will still supply the big bucks, so sonny need not worry. I predict Archie has not been stripped of his royal entitlements just because his parents have.

    The sort of stuff is mere nonsense to us, but seismic to Brits.

    I’m just glad Eve landed in Canada after getting Adam booted from the Garden of Windsor.

  10. She brought in a WOKE pastor to trash white people at her wedding, and later, she went to do ‘charity’ work at a terror mosque. She’s in a fight with everyone in her own family except her mother ( I guess).
    Sketchy people. Both Harry and Meg.

    I feel bad for Canada.

  11. “When Harry met Meg” a whole shit-stew congealed!

    “When I saw my Sovereign, on his knees, painting her toenails, I gave notice.”
    (Liveried Lackey of Edward VIII)

    Hopefully these two selfish POS will tire of each other prior to the world’s doing so.

    izlamo delenda est …


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