Harry Reid Hoisted With His Own Petard – IOTW Report

Harry Reid Hoisted With His Own Petard

Daily Caller – A senate rule change championed by outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid could leave Democrats powerless to stop any of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet appointments.

In 2013, Sen. Reid and other Democrats pushed forward with a rule change dubbed the “nuclear option” to eliminate filibusters for all presidential nominations except Supreme Court justices. This means that a simple majority of 51 votes instead of 60 votes is necessary to confirm executive office appointments.

The Republicans are set to enter 2017 with at least 51 senators and can gain another seat with a likely win in the December senate run-off race in Louisiana.

So while Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile has called for the senate to reject Trump’s nomination of Republican Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general, Trump’s cabinet will get confirmed as long Republicans vote along party lines.

 Many Democrats have publicly displayed a lack of regret for the rule change.

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15 Comments on Harry Reid Hoisted With His Own Petard

  1. I’m still waiting for Harry to name and sue the manufacturer of that “exercise band” that fucked him up due to a defect as he said. Ha!!! You know that prick, sonavabitch got his ass whipped by Rocco.

  2. Ocommie phucked up everything he touched. Hillary, the same if not worse. Reid? Not much better. Good to see all three go down in flames. If those three had succeeded, America would have gone down in flames. Bitter Harry Reid fucked over America with a hateful vengeance. May he mercilessly rot in the fires of hell.

  3. This ought to be good. Imagine how badly the Dems will react when Palin appears as the nominated Secretary of the Interior. They will fall over each other making fools of themselves. On a more serious note Trump can’t waste any time getting the cabinet members in office. He needs to do the same with filling the SCOTUS seat. The majority of the public will be with him but at some point the hammering he’ll be taking from the MSM will start to catch up.

  4. I wouldn’t be so happy. Bitch McConnell just might have the rule changed back to “reach across the aisle.” I don’t trust that goof ball as far as I can throw him.

  5. I have to agree with Stop2think. Lindsey, McCain, McConnell and others may just do it to remind Trump of his place and that they are not to be overlooked.
    Next election we go after the RINO’s and fix this shit for good!

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