Harry Reid- The Most Despicable Senator in My Lifetime – IOTW Report

Harry Reid- The Most Despicable Senator in My Lifetime


If I was given only one punch to deliver to the face of a politician, hands down it would be this cretin, and my only hope is that the one punch would put him in permanent searing pain for the rest of his miserable life.

When this bastid can utter the phrase “#FakeNews,” or lament that we are in a “post-truth” era, with a straight face, it’s a testament to how slimy this dirty politician is.

This is the same bony-a$$ed bag of garbage juice that stood on the senate floor and knowingly made-up the “fact” that Romney hadn’t paid taxes in 10 years.

When it was proven false he was tickled by the fact that “it worked.”

He didn’t apologize, he fist-pumped and taunted the losers and invited them to kneel in awe of the naked chutzpah, the unabashed low blows he was willing to peddle as a sitting US Senator in order to win.

But he leaves as a concern troll, bothered by the “post-truth” atmosphere everyone else is creating.

Where is the runaway oil truck bearing down on this monster?

read about it at the Washington Times

ht/ just the tip

30 Comments on Harry Reid- The Most Despicable Senator in My Lifetime

  1. I worked in an elected position (until I was termed limited out) and had to visit with this POS in his office several times over the years. The fact that he is a rude, petty, mean little SOB is beside the fact. What really struck me was the opulence of his office and the number of valuable works of art displayed throughout. When I commented on this, he said the items came from the National Museum and the Smithsonian. I have often wondered over the years if these things would be returned or if they’d walk out with him when he left office.

  2. Sooner or later you gotta look at how a large lump of shit like this continually gets reelected. Look at Pelosi, Boxer, etc etc. Who votes for these people? And why? Last time around Boxer didn’t even campaign and she won.

  3. It is my hope that Reid’s legacy in the Senate is that he got rid of the 60 vote requirement while the Senate was in Dem hands. And that he has to sit back and watch (from Nevada) as the Repub Senate uses HIS RULE to confirm all the prez appointees that Pres Trump wants.

  4. Reid is certainly a leading candidate for being voted “Most Likely to Die in a Felony” however I still think Ted Kennedy could give him a run for your money. I’m not even sure Reid would have the gall to write a letter to the Pope, get Obama to deliver it which asked for forgiveness for all the sins this bastard did because he did wonderful things for people as well. That’s Chutzpah.

  5. MJA
    No littering in California please. We have our share of worthless pieces of shit politicians.
    I’ll go one step further than Brown Eyed Girl, Reid should be made an example of. He’s a treasonous self absorbed waste of flesh.

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