Harsh Spring: Collapse in wine production was to be expected – IOTW Report

Harsh Spring: Collapse in wine production was to be expected

Ice Age Now: Grape vines are incredibly intolerant of harsh spring frosts during the budding season. Without buds, no flowers, and then no grapes.

Major cooling events, such as those which accompany a Grand Solar Minimum can be seen throughout history.

For example, prior to the Late Antique Little Ice Age, 585-640AD and after 50AD, it was sufficiently warm to grow grapes and harvest on south facing slopes in the English Roman province.  keep reading

12 Comments on Harsh Spring: Collapse in wine production was to be expected

  1. Now for the BAD NEWS, this isn’t just affecting Grapes… it will effect all Plants and you will begin to see it with Perrenials soon.
    Food crops World wide will suffer, we need to build mass Green houses now !

  2. The Small growers who have actual interest in what they grow will be King !
    These are the folks watching every leaf grow and learning what the Plants need day to day.


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