Harvard Law Prof Threatens Gorka – IOTW Report

Harvard Law Prof Threatens Gorka

DC- Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe threatened former presidential adviser Sebastian Gorka on Twitter, reminding Gorka of the “last time” he “broke a guy’s chin.”

At the Values Voter Summit last week, Gorka argued that he can be more effective politically as a private citizen than he ever was in the White House, stating, “the left has no idea how much more damage we can do to them as private citizens.”  read more here

17 Comments on Harvard Law Prof Threatens Gorka

  1. Yeah, Harvard Professors are known to be manly men.
    Must be another progressive/socialist Jew hating Jew.

    He may have been in 8th grade punching someone, but given the track record of this Harvard professor, it was more than likely he punched a 4th grade girl who called him a dork.

  2. You were in 8th grade over 60 years ago, Tribe. If you threw a punch now, you would blow out your Depends and probably tear a ligament. Gorka could saunter out of your way and still leave you in the dust. And the last time anyone was physically afraid of a law school professor was….never.

  3. First off: What is is with all these Lefty Larry’s calling themselves “Lawrence”?

    Tribe’s an idiot. He’s the one who went on a twitter rampage and filed a lawsuit to go after Trump (impeach him) over so-called emoluments. Even NR called him “unhinged.”

    Have you seen a picture of Larry Tribe? It’s no wonder he talks about breaking someone’s “chin.”

    I’ll bet Gorka can’t stop laughing right now.

  4. “Last time I broke a guy’s chin was in the 8th grade, when the asshole made an antiSemitic slur.”

    Harvard Law PROFESSOR!
    I remember when a Harvard Law STUDENT would be reprimanded (if not expelled) for talking like that.

    No, I’m not surprised.

  5. Laurence TRIBE? That’s a blatant appropriation of a Native American term if I ever heard one! As atonement for this Lefty sin, he should be sentenced to 50 Hail Hillarys and a name change.


  6. Hilarious.
    Gorka’s 47. Tribe is 76.

    That elderly old gay queen would need three Home Health Aides help just to get upright.
    There are no ‘men’ at Hahvahd who could even show him how to make a fist.

    Hilarious how fast the Marxists drop their facade of intellectualism as soon as they are thwarted.

    Time for the Left to be eradicated. Utterly. No traces remaining.
    Humanity has pressing problems and it’s time to obliterate the Left and move on.

  7. 18 U.S. Code § 2332b (c) Penalties.— (1)Penalties.—Whoever violates this section shall be punished— (G) for threatening to commit an offense under this section, by imprisonment for not more than 10 years.

    Prof. Tribe made a terroristic threat! He can be arrested for doing this. He must be losing his mind to do something like this, especially as a law school professor.

  8. Remember the infamous Liston – Ali fight? Ali threw a whiffed punch and Liston went down like a pile of bricks? Similar thing here, except faggy prof will throw the punch, miss and be down for the count. I’d love to see Seb kick his miserable ass, tho’. ;^)

  9. Think this fight would last for one punch, Dr, Gorka might let the geezer dance around to wear himself out.
    A left jab and the harvard clown would hit like a ton of bricks. Medics and ambulance crew on stand by.

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