Harvard Men’s Swim Team to Feature Rudderless Member – IOTW Report

Harvard Men’s Swim Team to Feature Rudderless Member

Next year Schuyler Bailar is transitioning from the women’s to the men’s swim team at Harvard University. The University is going to allow this because Bailar has taken steps to have herself disfigured into a parody of a male.


The story from the Daily Caller features images of Bailar having her breast removed (in case you were wondering what kind of swim outfit this person was going to compete in this next year).

16 Comments on Harvard Men’s Swim Team to Feature Rudderless Member

  1. Naw, she didn’t lose her rudder…..I take that back….she lost her rudder and is trying to build a keel…..Yale’s swim team should be happy…but mostly Columbia’s….

  2. Gee, I can’t wait to see what other revolting, unnatural, society-destroying perversion the leftists dream up next. Each time I believe we have hit bottom, they go lower, so to speak.

    Also, vomit…

  3. Since every swimming record is held by men, I predict she doesn’t “make the cut” so to speak. I’m sure the rest of the swim team will be just thrilled to have someone who is genetically slower… THAT will certainly help them win the team races they enter!

  4. I’ve gotta a 100 bucks that say she doesn’t make the team, or if she does will never swim in a competition. She can change the plumbing but not the muscle length or strength.

  5. I think people are beginning to see the utter insanity that this is all leading to. While “progressivism” seems to be marching onward with greater confidence, it’s also an easier target to hit. At least it should be by anyone on the Right.

    If I identify as a woman, can I get a lower rate on car insurance? Why would I even need to change anything about my physical appearance when any such fashioning pertaining to “female” is mere bigotry on the part of oppressive society? How about “ladies night” discounts at the bar? I can just SAY I’m a woman and that should suffice, and a Lawsuit awaits any establishment that denies me.

    Let’s recall that mere months ago, Bruce Jenner killed a woman in a car accident. However, “Bruce” no longer exists, right? Is “Caitlyn” now exonerated of any liability? She has to be.

    But the Left will insist that “it’s complicated” and “nuanced.” Soon, many of your daughters will have the experience of a MALE presence in the confines of the restroom, at school and in public. The Left will beat you into silence with their phony application of Tolerance. Or will they?

    Sane people can see where this all leads. Leftists cannot as they are, as Thomas Sowell has wriitten, Stage One thinkers; they never think past their intentions.

  6. The “Doctor” that performed the bodily mutilation on this woman should be in jail. Did he remover her external sexual organs as well??

    Harvard should be ashamed for using a mentally ill person for political advantage like this, but in this day and age I know better than to expect that they will.

  7. Don’t tell the Proctologist’s Union about that – they’ll make you apply
    for a membership card.

    P.S. – Is this what they call a
    “thumb-worthy reply”…?


  8. I’d like to know how Harvard defines “man” for the purposes of qualifying for the swim team, and whether that definition would square with the findings of their science and biology departments.

    Or how about this? When Schuyler ends up in the Harvard Medical Facility and they need to know its sex before they operate, what will the doctors be told? Is it male or female?

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