Harvard Prof Wins Nobel for Work on the “Gender Gap” – IOTW Report

Harvard Prof Wins Nobel for Work on the “Gender Gap”


Claudia Goldin, a Harvard University professor, was awarded the Nobel economics prize on Monday for research that helps explain why women around the world are less likely than men to work and to earn less money when they do.

Fittingly, the announcement marked a small step toward closing a gender gap among Nobel laureates in economics: Out of 93 economics winners, Goldin is just the third woman to be awarded the prize and the first woman to be the sole winner in any year. More

The Nobel committee should recognize the work of this scholar. Here

9 Comments on Harvard Prof Wins Nobel for Work on the “Gender Gap”

  1. Did you see who won the Nobel for medicine? Think mRNA.
    I knew the ‘Peace’ and Economics prizes were leftist but I held out hope for the science-related ones. No longer. Although Ivermectin’s creators won, I think around 2015. Before it was known to help treating the covid.

  2. Honey, put the phone down, buy some furniture for your house, and STOP YER BITCHIN while wearing an EXPEN$$$IVE Patagonia Sweater that Looks Like Shit! Shit woman, your still in your SLIPPERS!

    PS. like Jordan Peterson says, “Get up, get dressed, make your bed.”

    He very strongly believes that you should dress well to be taken seriousness & show respect for your associates/customers/peers.

  3. Oh GOD, I wish I had a time machine so I could go a hundred thousand years into the future to see how many genders archeologist dig up then! Maybe they will have a whole separate order for fucked up delusional liberal asswipes!

    As Dennis Miller would say…
    Of course that just my opinion, I could be wrong.

  4. The gender gap is utter bullshit. It’s the Big Lie that has led to bad policies that now have all of corporate middle management run by women, many of whom are useless fucking idiots who just look around for competent male engineers and analysts to build money making ideas that the dipshit, privileged women get to “manage” with a minimum of work on their part.

  5. in re the gender gap: “women make $.79 for every dollar a man makes”

    so, when I worked I was an overtime hog. I almost never turned down overtime. does this mean some woman somewhere more money? The ignorant illogical claim is “for every dollar a man makes”

    any person who makes a claim as illogical as that is unworthy of further conversation, and not bright enough to understand the logic error if you point it out to them.


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