Has Big Browser finally gone too far? – IOTW Report

Has Big Browser finally gone too far?

Protests have been planned.

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23 Comments on Has Big Browser finally gone too far?

  1. “If you work for Google, you are an evil person who is taking part in the oppression of freedom and democracy. Prepare to face the truth about the extreme evil to which you have contributed.”

    Let’s not get crazy, folks. EVERYONE that works for Google is not evil. Probably most are not “extreme evil”. This movement has already lost it’s wheels.

  2. “SpaceX can revolutionise diversity in the tech workplace by strategically aiming to improve diversity by looking for graduates from different areas and backgrounds set an example to other firms and justifiably improve the involvement of minorities in leading tech companies such as SpaceX.”


    Just build some goddam rockets that work, Okay? Is that too much to ask?

    “Diversity and inclusion are part of Boeing’s values at the highest level. Having diverse employees, business partners and community relationships is vital to creating advanced aerospace products and services for our diverse customers around the world.”


    Diversity is vital to creating advanced aerospace products? Really? Please tell me your Diversity hires are just window-dressing.

  3. If there’s no difference between the races and sexes, why do we need diversity?

    If we need diversity, isn’t it BECAUSE there are differences between the races and sexes?

    Why doesn’t pro-basketball need diversity?

  4. So, who is marching against Google? Women who are ticked about the 10 page manifesto or conservatives who are blacklisted for their political views? Did that story get out into he world at all beyond a Drudge headline and Breitbart? Go for it I guess. It’ll be fun until AntiFa shows up.

    I’m exhausted by everyone’s protest marches.

  5. Wouldn’t it hurt more just to stop using them? I know they have tentacles everywhere (I hate that everything has to touch everything else online. gaaah!!!}

    Illustr8r. That’s alright. Let antifa show up and destroy the properties. And while the left is getting their heads bumped by antifa, We’ll see how long they remain friends. And to the rest of the public, it will just enforce that antifa is nuts and anyone supporting them is too.

  6. By and large, Google and Facebook are “free” for users. They don’t take money out of your pocket, and all they require is that you agree to have your browsing habits tracked and your data mined. Everyone knows this, but most people use these services anyway.

    These are private platforms. They can censor. They can set parameters. They establish rules for use. As social media platforms increase in size and importance, courts may require fair access to the commons, but this is going into somewhat uncharted territory. For the time being, we are dealing with private companies who are not really subject to First Amendment obligations.

    Orwell’s “1984” is here, only instead of wall screens with rants by Big Brother, we have smart phones and cute cat videos. And we are not willing to give them up for any price.

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