Has Cruz Outplayed the Player? – IOTW Report

Has Cruz Outplayed the Player?


32 Comments on Has Cruz Outplayed the Player?

  1. It is Trump’s job to know the rules. Either that or hire someone that knows and learns the rules. The RNC is working hard against him, he should have been ready.

  2. Let me ask you guys who like Trump ONLY and hate everyone else:

    Newt’s been around the block.

    1. How has Newt been advising Trump?
    2. Has Trump been listening to Newt?

  3. Gladys,
    No, I asked a question.

    We can’t avoid the story.

    Cruz is securing delegates that should, if voter intent and will of the people is the overriding factor, be Trump’s.

    Apparently the rules are written to not reflect the will of the people. The delegates are going to the guy who knows how to play the game in a gamed system.
    That should have been Trump, but it’s, shockingly, Cruz.

    Maybe private sector deals pale in comparison to public sector deals.
    Trump ran, largely, on a platform of exposing bad deals, and how Americans don’t win anymore.

    For him to get blindsided like this means he should have studied up. He should have been ahead of all of this.

  4. The ruled in CO have been in place for over a year. Cruz understood them, Trump didn’t. At some future date, the GOP may steal this from the voters, but they haven’t yet.

  5. if cruz continues, he only becomes a spoiler to trump. once neither individual has enough delegates, which opens the convention up the republicans can and will install their candidate, fresh, untarnished from the primaries. and it will not be kaisich.

    the people who hold power will not give it up willingly. they obviously regard trump as a great threat to their power in order to go to such great lengths.

    it befuddles me as to why exactly that trump is such a threat to them.

    one has to ask, is trump truly a patriot that can’t be bought?

  6. Frankly the system is good as it is. In a situation where a candidate gets a vast majority of votes secure delegates will give him the win. The situation we have now where there is no clear winner these floating delegates are there to give flexibility.

  7. The following goes for the anti cruz and anti trumps whether you’re R, L, or I:

    We keep losing because someone always stays home. We stayed home in 08 and then we stayed home in12 because we were gonna teach America a lesson. LOL. And that was our lesson to learn, but apparently we’re remedial learning voters.

    So go ahead, people. Lay back and let it happen to you again. Without even trying to get our guy in there, even if he’s half assed and you don’t like him, so that we could start breaking the GOP’s fancy dishes and throw out the ‘bourgeoisie’ RINOs.

    I’ll blame all of you butthurt people. Not the left.

  8. I said weeks or months ago the Ted bought Trump’s book, read it, understood it, and was using it to defeat Trump. Cruz read the rules and understands them, Trump does not. A lot of what the GOP does is not fair to the voter. Trump won South Carolina with 32% of the vote and he won 100% of the delegates. Did Ted say Donald stole the votes from 68% of the people? No. Did Donald refuse 68% of the delegates? No. Those are the rules, no matter how much they suck.

    BTW, at 18 i registered “Unaffiliated” and haven’t ever changed it. The GOP sucked back then too. This isn’t new.

  9. Used to come to this site often to read and laugh at photo shopped humor. But like BreitBart (Now RafaelBart) the blatant bias for Rafael (It’s his name and even refuses to acknowledge it) IMO, has made this site less appealing. Like I stated, it is MY opinion but will probably be banned for it (r.e. TheWritesPoop).

  10. Trump knew, and is now using this farce to rally the troops. Sometimes people miss the forest for the trees.

    Cruz did nothing, CO GOP did. If you want to give Cruz credit, he played the same games Trump haters hold agaist Trump in his busisness successes. If Trump failed to understand the rules(he didnt, but we will pretend) how do you give credit to Cruz in that case?

    – Aggie

  11. A: People enjoy iOTWreport because I don’t ban anyone, or their comments. Even when people ask me to ban comments I don’t, which sort of puts the lightbulb on in their head that we are truly a site for the people and by the people.

    B: I am simultaneously accused of being in the tank for Trump and for Cruz, which, to my credit, is hard to pull off. So, you’re welcome.

    C: I am a staunch advocate of the #NeverLeft movement.

  12. “If you’re in the game for 5 minutes and haven’t figured out who the sucker is, it’s you!”

    “Politics ain’t beanbag!”

    There’s a war going on for control the entire World – Good v Evil, if you will – and Evil has the more prominent place. The game is fixed – it’s ALWAYS been fixed – which is why we’re on a power dive into the Pit. When the frustration reaches critical mass there will be Hell to pay – from both sides – them for doing it and us for allowing it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Trump should have had a better ground game, no question. He’s made adjustments, I think he will reach 1237. However, what’s going on in Colorado is criminal. Somebody should go to jail.

  14. TO Tim and Bad Brad
    If you haven’t read the article I linked to (4th post), you might find it interesting. He says what you are saying in a very spirited way.

  15. Czar, Colorado Trump fans just started their own FB page and our planning a protest this Friday. I ‘ll link if I can find it again. I’m thinking they knew the state GOP stripped their right to vote in the Primary and NOW their pissed. WTF did you think was going to happen. I guess everyone in that state now smokes dope. Bad news is it screws the rest of us too.

  16. Menderman said, “Trump won South Carolina with 32% of the vote and he won 100% of the delegates.” Those were the rules SC established. I don’t remember hearing Cruz bitching because he understood those were the rules SC laid down.

    CO did away with their caucuses, which sucked anyway IMO, and left it to Republican precinct leaders. The Republican precinct meetings were the first step to deciding the 34 delegates that will represent Colorado at the party’s national convention in July. The delegates elected at the neighborhood level will advance to the county and state conventions, where they will select delegates for the next level.

    The final slate of GOP delegates are picked at congressional district level — three for each of the state’s seven districts — and the state convention, where 13 are chosen. The list is often filled with elected officials and well-known activists. The presidential campaigns — as well as local and state candidates — will try to get their supporters into these posts to win delegates.

    A Republican delegate elected to the national convention can commit to support a candidate on their intent to run form, or can remain unbound. Three more top GOP officials are automatic delegates, or super delegates, free to support any candidate.

    Cory Gardner, fucking slime ball that he is, without question in collusion with McConnell, headed the effort to make sure that they controlled the precincts and the congressional districts. They made fucking sure their people, beholden to them, were going to be the ones selected. Fuck man, it’s politics. Did they cheat on top of making the rules? Fuck yeah. So whacahgonnadoaboutit? I’ll tell you what you’re going to do about it, Jack as in JACKSHIT. Cory Gardner was a solid Rubio guy, backed him early, about the time it was very apparent Jeb! was sunk.

    When Rubio exited, it became an all out effort, no doubt incubated at that secret meeting on some island in GA(?), to stop Trump at any cost. Their vehicle? Cruz. They want him about as much as they want Trump and you can bet your ass, they will fuck him the first chance they get. THEY CONTROL THE GOP IN CO-THEY MADE THE RULES.

    Trump could have made more noise in CO I guess. The original intent was to have these delegates vote for Jeb! I just don’t see what Trump could have done to substantially have altered the outcome. He would have had his people from the GOP in CO way back when they decided to eliminate the straw poll caucus and were writing new rules. And he would have had to had them in every Republican precinct. And he would have had to have done this 8 months before he announced.

  17. Truthfully, the GOPe may have played it’s hand too early. They’ve connived, cajoled, bribed enough delegates in states (Louisiana, Indiana, Colorado, etc.) to support Cruz on the first or second ballot. But they know there aren’t enough delegates for Cruz to win, so by the third or fourth ballot you’re gonna see the GOPe’s White Knight come riding in. Cruz is being played.

    problem is, there may be enough time for Trump to use this as a ‘get-out-the-vote’ effort to voters that are sick & tired of the horseshit the GOPe & the DemonRats keep pulling. Why have primaries? Trump may get enough delegates outright by this ploy. If he gets over 50% of the vote in NY, he gets all the NY delegates & if he get Kali, MD, Penn, Del (where he’s ahead in all those states & they are WTA states), it may be enough.

    …time will tell … this whole process stinks .. .everyone is dirty

  18. Running to win by delegate count is a chicken shit way to run. Voters be damned. Rush said today, “The system isn’t rigged. It’s being taken advantage of by the establishment.” Newsflash El Dumbo. It’s then rigged by your own definition. I can’t believe how DENSE he is on this topic. And this is the first time in the 25 years that I’ve faithfully listened to him where he pissed me off and I called him a name.

  19. Cruz may have played by the rules, but he is getting played himself, probably knowingly,. Anything to stop the outsider. And shouldnt Corey Lewandowski have know about this and informed Trump? I can see why trump fired his sorry @ss. Big screw up not seeing this coming.

    And thirdly, we the people never understood that the party didnt really mean “party”. It means roughshod representation. Kicking our asses every election year while we, the blind, dumb and ignorant masses think we have a choice. Fools all.

  20. If Cruz is anti-GOP Incorporated he would bow out now and let Trump win to SCREW the GOP! Instead Cruz is doing the GOPInc’s bidding.

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