“Hate Crime” Attack Doesn’t Have the “Ring of Truth” At All – IOTW Report

“Hate Crime” Attack Doesn’t Have the “Ring of Truth” At All

The Grapevine-

According to TMZ, two white men in ski masks reportedly approached the 35-year-old actor late Monday, yelled out racial and homophobic slurs (“Aren’t you that faggot Empire nigger?”), then began to attack him with an unknown chemical substance.

Before fleeing the scene, one of the men wrapped a rope around Smollett’s neck, as if forming a noose. They then yelled, “This is MAGA country.”


Smollett was admitted to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital but has since been released. He suffered a fractured rib, during the attack, and is said to have put up a fight when he was beaten. 

The attacks are believed to be premeditated as Smollett received a cut out letter, date stamped from January 18, stating that ‘You will die black f*g.’

Smollett lives in Chicago while the popular FOX show films

The Chicago Police Department is investigating the case as a racially-charged battery and assault. They are looking at nearby businesses for possible surveillance video.


“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was attacked in the early morning hours on Tuesday in what Chicago police are calling a possible hate crime.

Smollett was attacked by two people “yelling out racial and homophobic slurs” and “poured an unknown chemical substance on the victim,” police said.
According to police, one of Smollett’s alleged attackers also put a rope around his neck. Both fled the scene.
Smollett took himself to Northwestern Hospital and “is in good condition,” police told CNN.
Uhhhhhhh, no.
Firstly, I never heard of the guy, and I doubt any Trump supporters have, nor do they care a whit about the dude.
Secondly, who would ever call Chicago “MAGA Country”? Hillary received 84% of the vote.
Thirdly, he just flew in from LaGuardia airport. Are we to believe that a couple of guys were staking him out with ski masks, some liquid and a rope, in freezing cold Chicago? For how long, and why?
Fourthly, Trump supporters have to go to work. They aren’t hanging out until 2AM on a Tuesday, stalking a guy no one cares about.
This is horseshit.
ht/ hot salsa

I just found out that a music blog that I’ve followed for years ‘broke’ the story. OK. The police report and his hospitalization is real. Tread carefully with this one folks, especially the MAGA hat and noose stuff.

UPDATE: Chicago police say no “MAGA country” shouts, caps…

Chicago Police say Jussie Smollett was NOT able to identify the race of his attackers, and did NOT report that they said “This is MAGA Country.” Just more fake news to smear Trump supporters as KKK members.

35 Comments on “Hate Crime” Attack Doesn’t Have the “Ring of Truth” At All

  1. Chicago? Make America Great Again country? Really? Really?
    LMAO over and over! Chicago is Gay Closeted President Country not MAGA country… Unless MAGA stands for Make America Gay Already. LMAO! Who “Loves” Reggie? Get it ?!? lol

  2. The problem in Chicago, too many “Trump supporters” are allowed to pedal narcotics at all hours of the day and night, under any weather condition,
    The above the story is horse manure and should be sold to a real processimg plant.

  3. thatgrapejuice.net broke the story (and TMZ picked it up). Now, thatgrapejuice.net has dropped all mention of the MAGA part of the story. Hmmm…
    I find it hard to believe that two men were wandering around Chicago at 2 a.m. (and it was bitterly cold) looking for this guy specifically. Because the note leads one to believe that he was targeted.
    This story stinks

  4. I believe if/when Conservatives start to retaliate, the physical harm that is doled out will be so much more severe than what has been reported by Smollett, (whoever the hell he is).

  5. The series “Empire” is high rated “hood to riches” story (drama/saop opera) about a black urban family on Fox Channel. The producer is gay and the gay character Smollett plays has been involved in several “rough” relationships in the storyline. The gay lifestyle is usually notoriously violent. Looks like life imitating art. MJA got it right.

  6. Surely, there is security video to support this claim.

    Or did it just conveniently happen in one of the very, very few public areas that aren’t covered by security cams? It’s takes a lot of work to find one, something that might be expected of master criminals like these two white guys.

  7. I’m not going to comment until the Very Revrum Al Sharpton tells me it happened as described by the innocent, gentle, talented, gay black victim of white, MAGA Country proclaiming, noose carrying, bleach bearing, homophobic, racists Trump supporters. As soon as he confirms this, I’ll know it’s just more Tawana Brawley B.S. from the American-Africans who lie for a living.

  8. My guess is he was giving some guy a BJ, the guy got pissed off when he felt teeth and so whacked him in the face and kicked him in the ribs.

    I don’t want to know what the “unknown chemical substance” was, especially if it was an organic chemical.

  9. The only people that these retarded leftist fuckwits fool with their bullshite are other retarded leftist fuckwits. Once they prosecute fake hate crimes with the same vigor and penalty as real ones, this crap will disappear- and whores like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will starve to death.

  10. For Tuesday morning, 1/29/2019
    High in Chicago at midnight was high 10 F; low of 1
    High in Chicago at 6:00 a.m. was high of 7; low of 0
    Allegedly the attack happened at 2:00 a.m. as he was walking from Subway sandwich shop. Assume he was outside.
    Household bleach has 6% sodium hypochlorite which freezes at 19 F
    8.25% sodium hypochlorite bleach freezes at 17.4 F
    12% sodium hypochlorite bleach freezes at 5 F
    The bleach would be frozen in this morning’s temps in Chicago, assuming outside and regular store-bought bleach

  11. @Larry The Liberal;
    Anyone that admits to being a liberal should be deported to Cuba.
    I say Cuba since it is closer and would cost less and because I hate the thought of wasting anymore money on the libs.

  12. They wore ski masks but he knows they were white. No doubt they’d also be wearing gloves and clothing covering every inch of their bodies this winter so how exactly does he know they are white? Just saying.

  13. Bunch of Empire watching Trump Thugs roaming the streets of Chicago, huh?

    This fag needs to stick to bad acting and putting dicks up his ass because his screenwriting sucks.

    It’s like when Hollywood tries to write for conservatives. They’ve never met one so they don’t even speak the language.

  14. Whenever there is a never watched or known of show this is the result.
    March 30, 2015 – Actress Taraji P. Henson is apologizing for claiming her son was racially profiled.
    It’s 4 YEARS later!
    S’it Hop.
    Marvin Gaye could at least really sing,,

  15. I’m not smolletting this story.

    If CNN, MSNBC, CBS and the rest want us to believe it, they have to do a better job of portraying racist conservatives.

    They said nothing about the two guys being thin, wearing mullets, driving a PU truck, having Nazi Tats, crooked yellow teeth, wearing overalls, chewing Red Man tobacco, heiling Hitler, spitting and saying “she-itt”, etc.

    Holy Toleda, if ya can’t trust CNN to tell the truth, who in the heck can ya trust anymore?

  16. CWB has more details …

    “The TV actor who reported being attacked in Streeterville early Tuesday by men who made racist and anti-gay comments while tying a rope around his neck and throwing bleach on him asked Chicago police officers to turn off their body cameras after they arrived to take his report, according to a CPD source.”


    “During his first conversation with police, Smollett did not say that the attackers made “MAGA” comments, a police spokesperson said. That detail was published by TMZ.com and Smollett mentioned it during a follow-up interview with police later in the day, according to the spokesperson.

    • Contrary to widespread reports that the alleged attackers were white, Smollett has not identified the attackers by race because the men were masked and wore gloves, according to police.

    • Police reviewed video from dozens of public and private surveillance cameras in the Streeterville area. As of 2:45 p.m. they had not seen any images of the attackers. Investigators have found footage of Smollett alone inside the Subway shop.”


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