Hate to be cynical, but, this hero is only a hero because of race – IOTW Report

Hate to be cynical, but, this hero is only a hero because of race

I hate to do the “if the races were reversed” thing, but, if the races were reversed, the white guy would be facing potential charges for being a vigilante, taking the law into his own hands, being a white supremacist, etc.

Nevertheless, I applaud the man’s actions, irrespective of color.

16 Comments on Hate to be cynical, but, this hero is only a hero because of race

  1. I think thats true, BFH. No white man would have been a hero in this case .. because no white man on the planet could have caught up to that purse snatcher

    Uh oh, did I just say something raciss?

  2. I was in line at Walgreens the other day and a white, homeless looking dude walks out with two cases of Corona beer.
    The checkout girl, an Asian who looks to be a manager say’s “thank you for shoplifting at Walgreens” in a sarcastic voice.
    The well dressed black dude behind me said “incredible.”
    I actually thought about stopping the guy.
    Had I been near him I definitely would have tripped him.
    I do believe I would have made an effort had he stolen a woman’s purse.

    It won’t be long until they lock everything up in these stores.

    PS, I mention race only because these days you have to…

  3. That dude did absolutely the right thing.

    I will also assert that even though I live in a former slave state and there are a lot of descendants here, the overwhelming majority of the african americans amongst us are NOT in a race war. We are courteous and decent amongst one another, we hold doors for one another and are respectful to each other, in spite of the efforts of the race hustlers that try to fire up interracial hatred. It isn’t happening here.

    Of course, I don’t go into the democrat cities anymore.

    After all, it was the democrats that were the slaveholders and lynch mobs and stood in school house doors.

  4. You’re probably right but here is the difference. The mainstream white community applauds his actions because crime sucks. Most blacks and prog whites think otherwise, of course, esp if the roles were reversed.

  5. @ PHenry DECEMBER 21, 2021 AT 3:27 PM

    Almost all of the black friends I have came to Washington in the military and stayed. Or their parents did. They are all from the deep south, most of them from the Mississippi Delta and we all treat everyone with the same courtesy.

    The same with my friends who are Tribal members. you will be treated the way you deserve to be treated and that has nothing to do with your ancestry or skin color, it has everything to do with how you treat other people.

  6. My favorite part is that the good guy looks like he got in a bunch of extra punishment shots which the animal who stole the purse deserved, and NEEDS to insure that he doesn’t try this crap again. What liberals don’t realize is that, when the police are defunded and it’s all vigilante justice there are gonna be some beatdown punishments that REALLY fit the crime. They asked for it.

  7. If that was up here in Canuckistan you might be able to get 1 punch in.
    With one punch, The coppers (admin type coppers with the Crown prosecutors) would most likely come to your house after reviewing the tape and take you down to get printed.

    With 2 to 3 punches and a couple of kicks, channel CP-24 (city panic 24 hour) news would show the thief as the victim and you as a vicious toxic male.

    Life in Toronto

  8. Considering he continued to kick the perp’s ass while he had him on the ground, you’re right.

    But, it’s good to see a young black man kicking ass on a criminal instead of joining him.

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