Have No Fear – IOTW Report

Have No Fear

When it was thought that our archives might have been lost, a reader had only one fear – that this piece would be lost forever. It received a lot of thumbs up.

Don’t fear. Here it is –


35 Comments on Have No Fear

  1. This is definitely a classic. My favorite, because of its gravity and pinpoint satirical accuracy, is still Obama chipping over the trench full of dead bodies, without a care in the world.

    If you didn’t have your art backed up three different ways before, I hope you do now, BFH.

  2. Because I received word that some of the servers were back online but were running weird, like it healed itself, but wasn’t being manned by anyone.

    It was a crap shoot if you were able to recover much, data was slow to download.
    We were on a dedicated server, but our logins weren’t working when we tried to get in. I have no idea why.

    But I remembered a little incident a year ago that might have been the key to getting in.
    I won’t say anything more, but it required going through 100s of emails to see if I was misremembering or not.
    I got lucky.

  3. The art was never in jeopardy of being lost. The url associated with the google search was.
    And many many are.
    We are back and running, and for the reader everything is 95% a-ok.
    But for us, we’ve been severely hampered by lost links.
    It’s an economic blow.

  4. The woman was Christine White (Jane Fonda was much younger than that at the time, around 26).

    P.S. – Had to go with “Moose Mare” to get close to “Nightmare”. Besides, the moose cow was in the hoosegow.

    P.P.S. – Be careful using the term “niggler”. Perfectly valid word, but a typo could get you in a lot of trouble with less understanding nigglers.


  5. Wow. Just, wow. I still like yours, better. It almost (almost) had a strange whimsical quality, missing here. Maybe it’s the chipping a golf ball OVER, rather than hitting a skull with a full swing. Even Obama couldn’t be oblivious to the dead man, here. I guess there is such a thing as too much.

  6. Thanks, Fur; I, too, really appreciate what you do and the effort you put into it. I hope the many, many others who also express appreciation are helping with the finances a little too. If everyone who takes enjoyment from this site (there are a LOT of us) chipped in just a little, you could justify the effort. I can’t by any means support it by myself, but I promise to do my share.

    And this is still among my all-time favorites…maybe because I’m the right age to remember Twilight Zone so vividly…

  7. Wow! I don’t believe I will unsee that again.

    When I saw that original TZ episode, I couldn’t sleep for days. Never been in a plane to this day and am approaching 70.

  8. I don’t necessarily remember the episode, but I sure as hell remember that one moment. It scared me to death. I couldn’t look out of any window at night for months afterwards!!

  9. OMG! DH and I sat up one night watching those old Twlight Zone videos. When that one came on with the monkey on the wing of the airplane and a young William Shatner, we lost it – laughed our asses off! I had to call DH over to the computer to show him that. Brilliant! BTW, William Shatner took enough drugs on that flight to leave anyone psychotic!

  10. That scene kept popping up for me early one morning @3:30am during a fierce windstorm with lightning.

    A panicking customer called about a raccoon tearing away at a corner of her roof. The corner was 6-7 feet from her bedroom window so she had a close front row seat to the activity.

    Trees were whipping about, the wind was howling, and when the lightning would flash, it would show her everything clearly and the raccoon would look at her as its paws were engaged with the Spanish tiles, yanking away at them. SCREEEEAM!

    She would scream every flash and I kept picturing the scene with Shatner and the Gremlin every time.

    I would bust out laughing when she let one out. I kept apologizing but I couldn’t help myself. I explained what was popping up for me after the 3rd time but it didn’t stop me from laughing when the next screams came.

    40 minutes later she was assured the critter couldn’t get in as I described how the structure was built underneath the shingles.

    An instance where my job to help people feel comfortable in their homes had nothing to do with chemicals and everything to do with knowledge – and responding when needed when no one else would.

    When a customer calls in the middle of the night – something interesting is going on and I’m definitely answering that call.

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