Have to admit, when Lindsey Graham is bitchy on behalf of the right side of history, it’s good stuff – IOTW Report

Have to admit, when Lindsey Graham is bitchy on behalf of the right side of history, it’s good stuff

*My title does not mean I am tone-deaf and do not understand that Graham can be a significant disappointment to the conservative agenda.

22 Comments on Have to admit, when Lindsey Graham is bitchy on behalf of the right side of history, it’s good stuff




  2. @dee ~ remember Desert Storm?

    Dickey Durban earned the moniker ‘Dick Turban’ when he went into Iraq & slept w/ Saadam Hussein (rumor has it, he caught the clap & passed it on to Vodka Skeletor)

  3. When others here were skeptical about Graham I said give him a chance. They were absolutely right about him and I was wrong. He has his moments, but how he gets it so right from time to time is a mystery to me. That being said, those moments are not worth a tenth of the damage he is responsible for.

  4. Being up here freezing my balls off in another ice & rain day, with no direct skin in the game, IT IS EXHAUSTING LISTENING TO WHICH LINDSEY GRAHAM SHOWS UP ON WHAT DAY!

    Good luck.

    I have it easy, Turdeau Smokes the Cock Pipe.

  5. I’ve had it with the princess. It’s like he plans his pro Conservative messages to hit when we are about to beat the crap out of him. I’m thinking he really doesn’t mean half of what he says when he shocks us with something cogent. It’s a planned bluff to keep himself from being voted out or from being recalled.

    I just think it’s time for South Carolina to give him his pink slip.

  6. He’s a politician, for pity’s sake!

    And a politician is, by definition:
    A lying, grifting, self-promoting, amoral parasite whose only true love is itself through the power it wields.

    He HAS to appeal to his base, at least, occasionally.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Here’s the simple truth and why Demonrats seem to blow in the wind, have no real consistency, and never go to jail.

    They belong to Satan. Satan protects them on earth, he runs the place through a few Lucifer worshipping families that he has enriched so far above all others they now basically own the planet.

    They gave formed a globalist cabal of the fellow travelers they use to control the planet.

    Entire nations across the globe take their marching orders from them, those marching orders come out once a year at a closed door conference these nations host annually to introduce their instructions, plans, and narratives for the year to the minions down the food chain.

    They all get their told what to say and how and when to say it.

    Islamic terrorism is a very useful tool to them. Today 95% of the terrorists at Gitmo have been released and 100% of them are killing again.

    The Pedo was told to abandon ship in Trashcanistan and they gave him a hard date to do it consequences be damned. They wanted those consequences.

    They told the Pedo to open up the borders to unlimited invasion, they want to destroy America and especially the middle class.

    They want the top 10% to run the whole show and the remaining 90% to eat theur dinner at 5:30 like the peasants they are.

    They want the 90% completely dependent on government, so that they can control them.

    They want a global reset and new world order that the Pedo with hus usual mindless stupidity just told us about.

    They want rampant run away inflation, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Gas will soon be 7 dollars a gallon and so will milk.

    They deliberately unleashed a global plague to take out PDJT and kill off the only people remaining with a sense if what true freedom and liberty look like.

    Now the only patriotc group left are the children of the Greatest Generation, 90% of whom are middle class.

    They will destroy us with war, plauges, famine, and pestilence. They are doing that now.

    We will be at war with Russia, China, and NK soon. Another varient will be introduced. Food will become unavailable, gas unaffordable, and we will starve.
    The pestilence of drugs will still kill more or us than covid every will.

    Once we are gone only our brainwashed children remain, little future sock puppets for the elites to play with.

    We are about to put a pedophile and terrorist lover on the Supreme Court. Let that sink in, you think that’s a coincidence?

    The Pedo was installed to take the fall for the reset. He was always a stupid and perverted man. The perfect tool to destroy America and the middle class.

    Every single “decision” he has made did not originate from him. It came from the cabal and is deliberately designed to kill us off.

    We are rapidly approaching the end times folks. I hope the rapture gets here soon.


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