Have you noticed Beto’s Teeth? – IOTW Report

Have you noticed Beto’s Teeth?

Dr. Ricardo Harambe has. And it’s hilarious.

34 Comments on Have you noticed Beto’s Teeth?

  1. Thanks for reminding us that the Counter Hopping Doofus is running for another office in Texas that he’s going to lose. One of these days, his wife’s family is going to stop funding this clown’s political careen, and put an end to this Buck Toothed Doofus.

  2. @Geoff the aardvark–How about “brusha brusha brusha get the new Ipana with the brand new flavor, it’s dandy for your teeth–with the cap that stands on its head!”

  3. Yeah, I’m old, too. I do remember “Brusha brusha brusha” but the one I remember best is this one from Argentina circa 1960:

    ¡Linda, dínos el motivo
    de su encanto y atractivo!
    ¡La respuesta es evidente
    Cepillé con Pepsodente!

  4. “If he and AOC hooked up they might produce a new breed of ultra-liberal beavers …”

    The Zombeaver! It destroys all life by gnawing it to death.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. He suffers from “macrodontia.”

    “Macrodontia is a dental condition where a tooth or group of teeth are abnormally larger than average. Functional and aesthetic discrepancies may arise in affected individuals resulting in lowering the quality of life. It has been noted that macrodontia is associated with several genetic and endocrine abnormalities. Among which, KBG syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by developmental and dental abnormalities.” -https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33854669/

    The abnormalities seem to have affected his skeleton as well. And unfortunately, his brain, which is the the size of a miniature gumbah head.

  6. Well, if he’s really serious about spending other folks money for his never-ending windmill tilting campaign, he could always strip down to his pink g-string, throw on a pair of Noconas, and hop up on a pump jack. Then he could wave a big Stetson around overhead while pretending he’s a Tik-Toc buckaroo. Might not win, but there’s bound to be enough addle-pates out there that’ll stir up enough to at least get him a run-off to lose.


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