Have You Seen The Pool That Muslims In Germany Are Banned From? – IOTW Report

Have You Seen The Pool That Muslims In Germany Are Banned From?

We were among to first report this story, but I never saw pictures of the place. Look at it. It’s magnificent.

Swimming Bath

The thugs are there to displace the Germans. It’s a simple tactical mission. They want to scare, intimidate and nauseate the infidels, and turn the pool into a Muslim Only pool. They have no interest in co-existing.

Angela Merkel is a fool, as is anyone else that thinks they can import millions of Muslims into a non-Muslim nation. When they have a significant amount of the populace they will devour you. There are still progs who think otherwise – poor, dumb, naive progs who think they will coexist peacefully with Islam one day. What idiocy.


A German swimming bath has banned migrants from entering the premises after a group of men went on an obscene rampage, laughing in the faces of pool staff when challenged about their grotesque behaviour.

A group of migrant men and women were caught on security camera at the Johannisbad baths in Zwickau, Saxony engaging in unacceptable behaviour, including masturbating into the jacuzzi. In separate incidents other groups of migrants were caught “contaminating” the children’t training pool by “emptying their bowels in the water”, and sexually assaulting other bathers, reports Bild.


18 Comments on Have You Seen The Pool That Muslims In Germany Are Banned From?

  1. There really aren’t kind words in our language to describe this sub human, barbarian behavior. No where in a polite educated society does this atrocious ape-like style exist or belong. Yet in the mind of a liberal prog the acceptance and acquiescence of this culture of filthy bipeds is not only expected but demanded. Do those enabling fools think the beasts won’t take a dump in their pool or blow a load in the hot tub they use? This is most disconcerting but I guess we are the only ones who see that.

  2. What a lovely facility!
    And what barbaric despoilers.

    That place cries out for a lunch counter serving nice traditional bratwurst, filling the air with the delicious aroma of grilling pork (and the occasional whiff of burnt gunpowder).

  3. The filthy fuckin ragheads may be feral savages, but the West is giving away the store!

    If you stand in utter stupefaction and allow these beasts to rape your women, your toddler sons, your pre- and post-pubescent daughters, and your goats – shit in your swimming pool, masturbate in the hot tub, take your home, and laugh at you … then you probably deserve every humiliation and insult and affront that is thrown at you.

    If your civilization isn’t worth you fighting for it, than it isn’t worth fighting for.


  4. Poor Muzzies must go apeshit when they see topless women at the pool, which is often the case at outdoor pools in Germany.

    Since the Germans can’t carry, perhaps it’s time to go medieval. Really, I wonder if there’s a market for spears, swords, maces, etc.

    An example needs to be made in no uncertain terms.

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