“He don’t got no gun” – Keith Scott’s Daughter – IOTW Report

“He don’t got no gun” – Keith Scott’s Daughter


Keith Scott WAS carrying a stolen gun, police say – and his wife filed for a restraining order against him saying he was armed, violent and had threatened to kill her

  • Keith Scott’s gun had been reported stolen, authorities said on Monday
  • A breaking and entering suspect told officials he had sold him the gun 
  • His wife Rakeyia got a restraining order in October last year, records show
  • She wrote: ‘He carries a 9mm black’ and said he had hit her and a child
  • Scott, 43, was shot and killed Tuesday after a confrontation with Charlotte, North Carolina police 
  • Keith Scott was carrying a stolen gun when he was shot and killed during a confrontation with police in Charlotte, North Carolina, authorities have said.

    The gun was reported stolen after a breaking and entering, according to the police.

    A breaking and entering suspect told agents at the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives that he had sold the gun to Scott, ABC 11 reported Monday. He is now in custody.

    Scott’s wife Rakeyia, who filmed her husband’s killing on Tuesday, had filed for a restraining order against him and had told authorities he carried a gun, hit her as well as one of her children and had threatened to kill her, records have shown.


26 Comments on “He don’t got no gun” – Keith Scott’s Daughter

  1. But she had had said that he ain’t got no gun so why come y’all don’t buhlee dat? Cuz yawl raycis n shit. Yawl wrawng, yawl wrawng.
    thank you. thank you.
    I studied ghetto at the Upper South-Side Chicago School of Acting and Shit.

    [Online. I’m not insane]

  2. The wife could have sided with the cops but, even knowing that he was a violent, put-of-control thug, chose to remain on her husband’s side during the confrontation.

    Blacks really need to start replacing the “Us vs. The Man” theme with the “Wrong vs. Right” theme.

  3. Cankles breaks out at the next debate in “swing loz swit charut” ” i ain tyred no how no way” Another Uncle Tom/AuntJamima. People deserve better than this schtick by the putz Clinton!

  4. His daughter is an ill educated product of the liberal plantation system. Her goal in life is likely to be pregnant and on welfare. I know that sound harsh but I’m at my limit with these people.

    In any event, I read the story and the family lawyer (who no doubt thought he had hit the jackpot with this one) came out of police HQ after viewing some of the tapes that clearly showed that the actions of this lowlife led to his death in a clean shooting exclaimed “unfortunately viewing only some of the tapes led to more questions” (or something to that effect) which is the response you’d expect when a shyster had seen his whole case go down the tubes and is dancing for time. God, I hope the police chief and mayor stand their ground on this and tell the family and BLM to go pound sand. They did the community (and this family, whether they realize it or not) a favor when they were forced to shoot this waste of skin.

  5. At least he was a convicted felon so he was prohibited from buying it legally.

    Did you see what the gun is? Bet he didn’t even know what he had.

    The “book” turned out to be a Colt Mustang II, a relatively rare and no longer made “mousegun” manufactured for a relatively brief period in Colt’s long history, and which commands a premium on the used handgun market. A version in good condition starts at roughly $650, and one excellent to “new in box” condition starts at $800.

    This is considerably more than the cost of common .380 ACP, 9mm, and .40 S&W caliber pocket pistols which range in price from less than $200 on the bargain basement end of the spectrum, to the much more common $350-$550 retail price.

    Of course, Keith Lamont Scott could not purchase his firearm retail, or lawfully possess one by any means.


  6. When I saw the photo of the restraining order, I thought she meant Glock 9mm but put Block 9mm on the form.

    But being stupid like she is, I can believe she meant Black 9mm.

    That narrows it down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7. Nevermind the 5 dead crackers shot by cops, on the very same day fucktards wanted to burn a whistler in a car with a loaded gun near a sting operation.

    You can’t make this shit up.

    But there is a problem that I kind of get that sort of sides with BLM.

    Cops were on an assignment, this pavement ape wasn’t the primary concern. But they were bored, so they watched Scott, who I think we can all agree is a private citizen up until the dash cam footage.

    The cops confronted something they happened to “observe.” They got hard dicks and went after the low hanging fruit, hey, it sucks sitting watch 12hrs a day with no action.

    Nobody COMPLAINED about Scott. There was no 911 call. He’s a thug, but he wasn’t thugging when he was rolled up on. He didn’t have an active warrent. He wasn’t the reason cops were on surveillance.

    I don’t know how anyone can be conservative and not realize this type of police interaction isn’t just asking for trouble.

    I don’t walk the earth looking for fault, but our police do. It’s simply a revenue generator for the state and a promotion hungry cop, the corruption is blatant.

    Used to be cops served and protected. Today they’re nothing more than salespeople for the government. Sure there are active COMPLAINTS that cops solve daily, and for that they’re heros. But the other bullshit they pull, getting involved where there is no COMPLAINT, they can fcuk right off.

  8. A people that require drama and abuse in their life as a norm. They have corrupted everything about having normal lives, family, language and do not know the meaning of love or commitment. Never taking responsibility for their own actions always requiring others to pay their way. Salivating for the moment the lights go out and the fire is started and the looting begins, looking for the flatscreen TVs and other free sheet as they run from the stores proclaiming this is for (fill in the blank) whoever got shot.
    One fixed for the situation might be rubber bullets and caning for these evil creatures that destroy other people’s lives and businesses?

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