He Fought For His Life – IOTW Report

He Fought For His Life

10 Comments on He Fought For His Life

  1. That coyote wasn’t really trying.
    Me and my pup were having our morning walk a few months ago, coyote came out of the brush at full throttle, bodyslammed my dog hard, saw me, dropped doggie and was gone before I had my pistol pulled.
    28 stitches and a month’s pay later, doggie is back up to 100%.

  2. About a month ago, I heard a strange noise outside at 10:00PM. I went out and two coyotes were prancing around my back acre. My scattergun awaits them if they return.

  3. Hooray for the cat. But I don’t hate coyotes. They have to constantly struggle to find enough to eat to save their own lives.

    As Jack London put it, nature is red of tooth and claw.

  4. We have no pets or fence and the coyotes do gopher, mouse, rat patrol daily in the garden and field. If I trap a rat or mouse I leave it on a tree stump and they always check it for a snack. I think it’s a hard scrabble life for them but they seem to manage.

    We also have Great Blue Herons competing with the coyotes for gophers. It’s fun to watch them grab one and gulp it down whole!


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