He Hiked 5 Days, Found Trees Where They Shouldn’t Be – IOTW Report

He Hiked 5 Days, Found Trees Where They Shouldn’t Be



White spruces are migrating north to places where trees haven’t grown for a thousand years. That’s not a good thing. As Quartz reports, the trees are normally found in the boreal forests that dominate central Alaska. Climate models have predicted such forests migrating northward as the planet warms, but nobody expected it to happen for at least another century. Biologist Roman Dial of Alaska Pacific University was the first to notice the shadows of the trees while browsing satellite imagery of Arctic tundra of northern Alaska. He had to hike five days to see them for himself“It was shocking to see trees there. No one knew about them, but they were young and growing fast,” Dial recounted, per the Guardian.

Dial says the trees “basically hopped over the mountains into the tundra,” where they wouldn’t have stood a chance at taking root much less surviving until recent years. Per his study, which was published in Nature, the white spruce are moving north at a rate of about 2.5 miles per year. And while trees are generally considered beneficial for the environment, that’s not the case in the tundra, where the icy ground normally reflects heat from the sun. The trees will instead absorb heat and cause more warming. The Arctic already has plenty of that. Scientists have learned that the entire polar region is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet.

NPR reports the excess polar warming is driven by many factors, including looping behavior that scientists are only beginning to understand. For example, as permanent sea ice shrinks near the Arctic Circle, more open water is left exposed to absorb the sun’s heat, thus causing more ice to melt. Farther south in the boreal forests that ring the northern hemisphere, many tree species are struggling to cope with a warming climate. As white spruce and others gradually migrate northward, they leave behind an increasingly barren biome, where dead trees invite wildfire and release additional carbon into the atmosphere.

37 Comments on He Hiked 5 Days, Found Trees Where They Shouldn’t Be

  1. Climate changes all on it’s own, although this story reeks of the polar bear saga.

    Maybe these Earth do-gooders could help their Guya and go hug some polar bears.

    It would be a two-fer!

  2. All these climatologist scientists should take a break once in a while and take a walk outside.
    Why I know this is all an effort to make AlGore richer,

    I’ve been a tournament, and fish for fun, bass guy for over twenty years. I’ve been a duckaholic killing machine for the same amount of time. And me and my pals can recognize 2 distinct weather patterns every year. And nothing has changed in that amount of time. Fuck these assholes. I can get much more specific if need be. There’s no such thing as man made weather destruction.

  3. an increasingly barren biome, where dead trees invite wildfire and release additional carbon into the atmosphere

    There’s some different atmosphere? That the wrong homed spruce forests are sucking carbon out of?

  4. What the Globull Warmers are saying is that the greening of the planet by additional tree growth, is not good greening of the planet. OOOOOOOOOOOkayyyyyyyyyy.
    You cannot please these people.
    At the rate that Biden and Democrats are messing up the global politics we will most likely be into a world war long before this new tree growth will have any impact on the tundra. At that point the entire planet will be major fucked up.
    Astronomers are already predicting a planet killing asteroid to smack into earth in around 840 years anyway.

  5. Gov’t, Academia, Media, and Medicine – you’re a fool to trust in ANY of these liars.

    Academia is filled with the same greedy, malicious, lying, self-promoting, disingenuous, deceitful sacks of monkey-poxed shit as the other three.

    Ivory towers, indeed – hotbeds of perversion, depravity, ignorance, superstition, and atheism (read: Satan worship).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Bulloney.

    Last week there was a headline in our local rag. “After a millennium of cooling the Gulf of Maine has begun warming”

    After a millennium of cooling?
    So before the millennium the Gulf of Maine must have been warmer.

    We have no control over weather.
    We are on a planet that is spinning at over 1000 mph, hurtling through space around a gigantic burning gas ball.
    Nothing is going to remain exactly the same day after day or millennia after millennia.

  7. From the first line of the article:

    “White spruces are migrating north to places where trees haven’t grown for a thousand years.”

    So the trees were there 1,000 years ago?? Sounds like a cycle to me.

  8. Ivory Towers = Whited Sepulchres

    “27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.

    28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.”
    Matthew 23:27-28

  9. Maybe these are some of thise racist trees which Kamala and Buttigieg were warning us about.

    How come they’ve been telling us to plant trees everywhere for the past half century, but now trees are suddenly a a bad omen because some Grauniad millennial took a walk in the forest? You’re going to have to do better than that, scaremongers.

    And If Bill Gates ain’t buying up the tundra fir trees, I ain’t worrying about it.

  10. @billy’s friend ☑ August 22, 2022 at 8:27 am

    > homocentrism <- you are here

    Sorry, friend. You missed your stop. We're already at "Gynocentrism".

  11. Excuse me, but trees are a net consumer of carbon dioxide and producer of oxygen. Maybe this will help offset all the balsa trees being clear cut in the rainforest used to build wind generators.

  12. Wanna see all this climate change nonsense come to a screeching halt? Have the government fund research grants admitting it’s all a fraud. Cancel all research funds supporting global warming.

  13. i will bet his grant was predicated on him going to alaska and finding evidence of global warming. Im assuming he did not take into account that maybe just maybe the trees mutated to take advantage of a new environmental niche.

  14. Trees are the answer.

    So what’s the problem? They are CO2 eaters.

    Before Noah’s flood, the whole world was green with lush vegetation. You find corroborating evidence of that everywhere. That’s where your massive coal seams came from.

    Not Me AUGUST 22, 2022 AT 8:04 AM
    “Who caused the mile thick glaciers to cover Ohio? The camp fires of cavemen or Indians?”

    The ice age was caused by Noah’s flood.

    The world was hyperbaric before that flood. Higher atmospheric pressure and @ 30% oxygen. That’s why so many of the reptiles we call dinosaurs got so big – they never stop growing and a hyperbaric earth allowed this to happen. The biggest ones had nostrils the size of horse nostrils (too small if they lived in today’s atmosphere) and were likely @ 1,500 years, or so, old. That also explains how humans could live to 900 years old.

    The release of pressure caused much-o ice to fall at the poles.

    The Holy Bible ties all your earthly, physical, scientific finds together. You just have to see things from that lens before it all makes sense.

  15. #@Steve Brown: I didn’t know trees had legs. Seeds from plants, trees, etc., get carried hundreds of miles from their origin on wind, birds pooping. There’s an island somewhere in the S. Pacific where no man is allowed to go – only a hand full of scientist to study the island. No water, food, or using the island to poop or urinate on. A scientist did just that, and when the island a few months later was used for research, they discovered a tomato plant growing. Yep, human poop deposited the seed. Screwed up their pristine research. It has nothing to do with climate change.

  16. According to God’s scientific design, trees will grow any place photosynthesis can occur. Nature, again something designed by God, does not need permission from a lunatic, progressive, Darwin “scholar” grifter to produce trees in any particular environment or climate.

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