Will he survive this one? – IOTW Report

Will he survive this one?

Ted Cruz says Trump ‘crossed the line’.

“President Trump’s rhetoric, I think, went way too far over the line. I think it was both reckless and irresponsible because he said repeatedly, and he said over and over again, he won by a landslide; there was massive fraud; it was all stolen everywhere. That evidence, the campaign did not prove that in any court, and to make a determination about an election it has to be based on the evidence, and so simply saying the result you want, that’s not responsible and you’ve never heard me use language like that. What I’ve said is voter fraud is real, and we need to examine the evidence, and look at the actual facts; and in particular, what is the evidence of how much voter fraud occurred, and did it occur in sufficient quantities and in sufficient states to alter the outcome of the election. That would have been the mandate of the election commission to assess.”

49 Comments on Will he survive this one?

  1. MJA, when she called him a murderer I was SO DISAPPOINTED in Ted’s response.
    He should have come out guns blazing!
    Instead it was like “she is entitled to her opinion” muted bullshit.
    I was flabbergasted.
    He had every right to blast her off the planet.
    Instead he put on some cock-block swim panties and hid in a corner.
    It sucks so bad being let down by those whom you once thought had your back…

  2. A politician will be, in the end, a politician. It is what they are. They cannot help themselves.

    Still, I wonder what is said in those late night phone calls that seems to have put fear into our leaders?

    In any case, I think that this is posturing for the trial. Cruz is signalling to Trump to not use the trial as an opportunity to talk about the election. My guess is the strategy will be, if Trump mentions anything at all about election fraud, there will be a snap vote and 30 or so Republicans will be sitting on the toilet, until Trump is convicted and banned for life from political office.

  3. I always thought Ted Cruz and Mike Lee were solid but I guess I was baffled by Mark Levin’s praise early on.

    I don’t trust anyone anymore, expect to be disappointed often and wish Trump wasn’t a President in exile. That pretty much sums up my political views for the moment.

  4. @Loco, I shared your disappointment in his response. It’s almost like he’s taking his cues from the MSM. Why in the heck would he believe THEM? I think he became a victim believing the poop the media’s been shoveling for the last 5+ years about Trump. Confirmation bias, I believe they call it.

  5. TommyBoy, the only explanation that makes sense to me is that they ALL live in a bubble.
    Rush has talked about this for 30 years.
    All the people that surround them, their neighbors, co-workers, even the interns think in terms of liberalism.
    The bubbles are actually a vacuum that need to be imploded like an old Cathode-ray tube…
    F O O M . . . time has come…

  6. Typical “Showboat” Cruz. His RINO donors probabbly need to be hit up for a refreshed cashflow – the reason for his idiotic Never-Trumper persona. He still thinks there’s a chance he can be president in 2024. Yeah. No.
    Such a narcissist.

  7. @Loco, I’ve said since Trump won in ’16 (I know, he won THIS time, too), that one of the best things about having him as President is that all kinds of people have taken their masks off so we can see who they REALLY are. Some surprises, but it’s just been good to see them be honest for a change.

  8. The easy thing about Cruz is that he’s not an intellectual, even though he tries at times to sound like one. He’s never really thought like a Founding Father, even though he’s tried to come off as one. He’s a thorough going politician, through and through. And the biggest mistake ALL career polticians make is they get paranoid about optics and they almost always run in the direction they think the political herd is running, especially if the old bull (McConnell) is running in that direction.

    Never trust a chronic liar. They can’t help themselves; they’ll always lie again to save their own skin. Cruz is not only a chronic liar, he’s quite bad at it. Just because he’s survived this long without changing only gives him more confidence that he can weather the damage. Sadly, he’s right. People forget and fogive people like this too readily.

  9. Hey Loco, that’s a great idea. A really good RINO list of “Not a Chance in 2024” can’t be complete without… Lynn Chaney, LOL!
    Oh yeah. Chris Christie.

  10. Did anyone bother to read in context? Watch the full segment?
    Ted Cruz is 100% right.
    He never said voter fraud did not exist, or election was not rigged, the exact opposite, he said election was stolen.
    He said the “won by landslide” was not proven in court and should have not been used, which he is absolutely right. That is what the democrats are using to attack Trump and the rest of us for it.
    Saying Ted Cruz is RINO proves most of those saying that they never followed Ted Cruz and are just angrily spewing baseless accusations.
    Ted Cruz is a constitutional attorney. He is talking about evidence in court and argument you can prove.

    Go ahead and accuse him of being a RINO all you want, facts prove you wrong. He was one of the few who objected to the elections results. Have you forgotten that?
    If the “I won by landslide” is a proven argument, then Trump attorneys and Trump would use that in Senate trial. They won’t.
    Think again how before you attack the last remaining Trump allies and one of the most principled conservatives in the Senate.

  11. Reading the angry comments, and that genius who said Ted was never intellectual. Good Lord. Some people are turning into demcorats, read headlines and not in context.
    Watch the entire video before you spew more nonsense.

  12. Another Re-CUCK-lican showing his true colors. He was all-in for Trump when it was convenient to his political career. What back-room deal did he make to keep his seat?
    I don’t even know why I’m surprised anymore. It is obvious that they don’t work for us. Welcome to the USSA.

  13. If you Don’t Live in TEXAS … You have no Say So in Who We Vote For! I voted for Trump and Trump Didn’t keep One Promise he made to GUN OWNERS! ! ! Trump was the lesser of Two Evil’s.. That being said Trump needed to STFU and Stay off Twitter! Ted Cruz is just telling it how it is.. Watch the Damn Video link…

  14. Ted is correct that Trump lawyers didn’t provide proof in court of election interference … that’s because the courts wouldn’t let them.

    He should have clarified that point. Surprised that an accomplished lawyer like Ted didn’t do that.

  15. John Smith

    There’s a big difference between being educated and being intelligent. Cruz is a highly educated litigator and a political animal with bad instincts. In other words a RINO. Hell even his fan page, The Right Scoop has bailed on him.

  16. “Trump Didn’t keep One Promise he made to GUN OWNERS‘“
    I cant believe we.ran across some one stupid enough to post that considering what the communist currently have in store for us. Go home. You’re drunk.

  17. Yes, Claudia. Letting that slip by as if it was a truth, is the problem.

    “That evidence, the campaign did not prove that in any court,”

    Never made it to court to be reviewed.

    That’s the truth. THAT should be hammered until no one denies it.

  18. The judiciary refused to look at or admit any evidence. If they don’t see the evidence of fraud then they don’t have to do the hard part of their jobs.
    I heard Cruz say Trump crossed the line with his rhetoric and was again disappointed in him.
    Is he trying to appease the NRSC so they’ll give him campaign money?
    Money or committee appointments are the only reasons I can think of that would get him to half throw Trump under the bus.
    Too bad.

  19. We all have said something in private that could come back to haunt us if revealed.
    Nearly everything said in private is recorded in those huge warehouses out in Utah that DHS have been building.
    Remember that when someone like Cruz, Pence, Roberts, etc. does something that just doesn’t seem right.

  20. This is the same guy that used the national spotlight the RNC & Trump gave him at the Republican Convention in 2016 to slam Trump.

    AA is right, a leper can’t change his lesions.

    He may in fact be one of the most principled conservatives in the Senate. Which tells us just what a shitshow we have going on there.

  21. Ted’s trying to sound “statesman-ish” for future positioning.
    That the election was stolen is beyond doubt.
    That the judiciary refuses to consider the evidence is proof of conspiracy to commit Treason.
    That attempting to be “reasonable” in the face of obvious Treason and the most vicious assault on our Republic in our History will be the death of us is also beyond the shadow of a doubt.
    Temporizing while being attacked is a recipe for disaster, if not annihilation.

    Ted’s what Camus called a “dandy.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  22. Does anyone remember 2000 in Broward County, Fla when they were looking at votes with a magnifying glass for hanging chads? That’s what happens when a democrat wants to contest a vote. (without any evidence of fraud)

    In 2020, we not only couldn’t get a court hearing, we couldn’t get a real recount, we can’t even get republicans to acknowledge that dumping votes at 3 am that are all for biden smells fishy.

    Iow, the republican party is not and never will gonna save us from anything.

    They should never be voted for again until they stop conning us.
    And to all the people that say, ‘but the democrats will ruin everything if we let them have power’. My answer is just like it’s always been. These republicans are not going to save you from anything. If that isn’t obvious by now…….

  23. Cruz is being semantically correct and deliberately non-committal with his explanation of the differences between “evidence” and “what’s been proved in court”. Having said that, tho’, he’s also being a disingenuous back-stabbing little shit-weasel who knows what really happened and is afraid of using plain language to say it. I think there’s also some lingering ill will towards Trump tossed in there, as well. Just when I think Cruz might redeem himself, he goes and pulls this shit again…

  24. See? … Trump doesn’t have a friend in the room. They don’t want to put the Election fraud debate on record so they are trying to bury all the evidence and talk about it like a cat turd. Ted is just a politician, and someone got to him… big time! Maybe Josh will be next. SAD.

  25. Ted has always been too clever for his own good. Now he’s just a legalistic coward parroting the “0 for Eleventy in the courts” canard and reciting his recantation in hopes of avoiding cancellation.

  26. Like Joe6pack, Cruz has reaffirmed what we saw in the 2016 debates, weak of will and spine. Another collapse in a disparate attempt to get along with people who hate us and him. Better to stand for something than be a marshmallow, Ted, you will never rise above your current status in life and will fall from grace, rather quickly too.

  27. Good ol Dominionist Ted ‘Campbells Soup Honeymoon’ Cruz!
    Are we finally back? At a reality? Because I knew he was just talking up a big game and riding on the Trump Trains popularity- now he tossed Trump under the tracks as soon as he’s able.

    Hey, Ted, lad, how are Trump’s legal team supposed to show any evidence when all courts refuse to even view the evidence itself in the first place? Not even a stinking hearing.

    Ted, go soup yourself ya creepy bastard. The beard doesn’t hide your Rankin Bass puppet ass face well enough either.


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