Her Name is Schmunk —– Close – IOTW Report

Her Name is Schmunk —– Close

(NEWSER) – A Wisconsin woman is facing charges after her 9-year-old son was tied to the roof of their minivan to help hold down a plastic pool, the AP reports. Prosecutors allege 28-year-old Amber Schmunk had her son hold down the molded pool they’d just purchased because it wouldn’t fit inside the van. WISN-TV reports a witness called police after seeing the incident on Sept. 9 in Saukville, about 20 miles north of Milwaukee. Police documents state Schmunk told an officer she thought it was OK because her father allowed her to do similar things when she was young. Schmunk is charged with recklessly endangering safety, which is a felony. She’s due in Ozaukee County Circuit Court on Nov. 11.

20 Comments on Her Name is Schmunk —– Close

  1. Oh, you can kill your kid (in utero) or send it off to be some pervert’s boy-toy in Hollyweird, but can’t have it do useful work?

    SHEESH! What a world! What a world!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Been through this many times over the years. Those pools last a season at best, then spring comes again and despite all the problems the year before, another one needs to be purchased.

    All you need to do is roll it up, like a taco, then it fits inside the van. When you get it home, put it on the patio and fill it with about 2″ of water. The heat from the sun and the weight of the water reforms the pool.

  3. @meyou: “Nothing against you, Steve, but aren’t 97.7% of Wisconsin residents Liberal, Democrat voters? There ya go, ’nuff said.”

    Not quite, We elected Walker twice and the state voted Trump. The problem we have here in Wisconsin is the libtard majority of asswipes in Madison and Milwaukee.

  4. aleon, There’s a big group of goofs up in da nort woods, eh?

    Wife and I were talking about this last night, we recently moved out to the sticks. I was telling her about the very speshul liberals we have in our county, big, bull dyke types and faggity dudes. It’s strange because the county is mostly conservative, hard working, farmers. But I guess they either grew up here and turned liberal to spite their families, or they (like us) came out here to get away. Whatever the case, they’re not your typical progressive city dweller.

    I’ve snowmobiled a lot up in the nort woods. Riding from town to town up there, I was always astonished when we’d stop somewhere and be served by 2 fat dykes or a gay black man. They seemed way out of place. However, over the years I started to notice these types more and more up there, in remote parts of the state. My guess is they’re either on the run or they truly like driving Subarus and being deviants in private.


    ⭐ Wow, just think -💲 “ching-ching-ching!” 💲- how much 💲 the city will rake-in, in fines and court cost for this one!

    ⭐ In the 1950s, a cop would pull her over and say, “Look her missy, that looks pretty dangerous. Get him down off of there, and we’ll see what we can do to get that pool to your house safely.”

    ⭐ 21st Century. “Lookie what I found!” 💲

    ◾ Child endangerment. 💲
    ◾ Reckless driving. 💲
    ◾ No seatbelt for child. 💲
    ◾ Unsecured baggage area. 💲
    ◾ Tail light out. 💲
    ◾ Address not updated on license! 💲
    ◾ 5 miles over speed limit. 💲

    🔴🔴🔴 Muhuahhahahhaha! I did good today! Mayor, police chief, and defense attorney will all make out like bandits on this one! I really “helped” a child by giving his mom a FELONY so she loses her job, may not get another one, will have to sell their car / home b/c they can’t make payments, and go on welfare! –You’re welcome citizens!

    🔴🔴 Well kids, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! The community is safe once again with the help of officer dumbass! What would the world do without him?

    🔴 For God’s sake people! Wake the hell up! Overzealous police and money-grubbing city councils make our safety patrol officers into PREDATORY COLLECTION AGENTS FOR THE CITY AND COURTS. (that’s how the Ferguson P.D. and municipal courts got FRIED by the D.O.J.) Support your sacred cows, but at what point do you start to question their MISSION CREEP? –for those of you with military backgrounds, you know to keep a sharp eye and ear on that hated phrase.
    You support the police, but say nothing when they shut down lemonade stands for “health concerns.”
    Stick up for your rights! And that ALSO mean speaking up against the police who mission creep their way into their new and primary role as city debt collectors trying like mad to meet budget projections.


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