Here Comes the Last Minute Desperation Hail Mary In Order To Derail Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Here Comes the Last Minute Desperation Hail Mary In Order To Derail Kavanaugh

This is ridiculous.

A person at Stanford University is being represented by a lawyer who made Diane Feinstein aware that Kavanaugh had “an incident” with a girl in high school.

She referred the letter to THE FBI!!!!!

Oh my.

What happened? He felt her up in the balcony of a movie theater?

This is asinine.

37 Comments on Here Comes the Last Minute Desperation Hail Mary In Order To Derail Kavanaugh

  1. Well Hillary’s reopened Weiner email investigation was wrapped up in mere days so I can’t see how this can hold up a vote a week out. The GOP better grow a pair and tell them what pier they can jump off.

  2. and I have a letter from someone who claims that feinstein had a chinese spy running her office for nearly 20 years.
    Drink some more cold medicine and go back to bed witch.
    Why isn’t she incarcerated?

  3. Where the hell is Preston Brooks when we really need him?

    Brooks followed the strict code of honor and had been involved in several duels in the past, but believed that because Sumner had proven himself to not be his equal in status, the Massachusetts senator deserved a more humiliating punishment.

    These jackasses reducing the Senate chamber to a three ring circle jerk has gone on long enough and it is high time for someone to put an end to it. Democrat politicians and their idiot collaborators in the gallery are way overdue for a lesson in common decency and respect.

  4. There is also a statute of limitations in the law – but we have no such statute when it comes to smearing a Republican at the last minute of an election, confirmation vote etc. Come on, the guy is 53 so what this alleged BS happened 35-39 years ago?! Right up there with Romney beating someone up in prep school.

  5. It would be easier to find some guy who did not have an “incident” with some girl in high school. High school guys are immature and most don’t know how to interact with females at that age. Go watch “Weird Science” if you want to recall how geeky and uncomfortable dudes were in high school back in the day.

    I suppose it’s different now that middle schools teach how to properly wear condoms, oral sex really isn’t sex (thanks, Bill), and intercourse is o.k. unless it really isn’t in which case you can go to jail and have your future career ruined because you didn’t understand that in that case “yes” really meant “no” and it was a guy who believed he was a girl that day anyway. But I digress. It was high school.

  6. I gots me an idea:

    When Ginsbug kicks the can, at the very first instance of them trying to pull this same crap just shut down the confirmation hearing at that point and call for a vote.

    It matters not if it is Democrat Senators or their cohorts in the gallery, just shut it down and call for a vote. The evidence of collaboration between the two will come out and the public will support such a move.

  7. Feinstein: “I’ve got a double-super-secret document that *proves* Kavanaugh is a SPACE ALIEN…but, since he’s not an ‘ILLEGAL space ALIEN‘ – wink wink – I’m against him…

    Now, everybody be “shocked! SHOCKED!”…and vote NO!

  8. I have it from a reliable source that has a friend who heard from another friends friend that this friends friend has information that Kavanaugh had soiled his diaper when he was three years old

  9. “In High School Brett gave his date a coke with a pubic hair stuck to the top of the can.”
    The Coca Cola company should just include a pubic hair with every can and bottle and be done with it.

  10. Count on the ever righteous Dippity Do boy, Christopher Wray to engage this idiotic notion and launch an investigation that’ll drag out, go no where, and we won’t know about it because they don’t comment on investigations …. rules and ethics doncha know.

    Trump can’t catapult his prissy azz out of there soon enough for me.

  11. Apparently, this isn’t all of it. In grade school, nine year old Brett Kavanaugh sexually harassed several female classmates by telling them that they had the cooties.

    At this point, my attitude is “Fuck all democrats.” now and forever. These worthless cunts are real life Orcs, demonic hellbeasts working for Satan himself. Nothing about them is decent nor worthwhile, nothing.

  12. Referred the letter to the FBI?

    From something when he was a teenager?

    Wow. This is some blatant bullshit.

    What more proof do you need that the FBI is corrupt than it being a go-to for corrupt politicians after their enemies.

  13. Referred the letter to the FBI. Just like McCain referred the phony dossier, which he sent an underling to fetch from London, to the FBI.
    “Just trying to do my civic duty”. Bullshit. These people really suck! Hey, FDR how is McCain making out? Did he meet the Kennedy’s yet? Or Stalin, Pol Pot, or Hitler? Just askin’,

  14. @JDHasty- “I gots me an idea… When Ginsbug kicks the can…”

    I think this is a wonderful opportunity for ginsburg, seeing how she has been critical of the recent process. She should retire now, rather than die in office, and that way she can give constructive criticism to the confirmation process. It would be one of them ‘win- win situations.’

  15. @XTACSGT- I used to have a friend whose uncle knew someone that worked at Nintendo, and he said Kavanaugh is a good guy, so I’m OK with it.

    She did a ‘mccain’ with the stinkin’ lousy screed. That’s what he did with the ‘pee dossier’ (sp)- hand off the dirt and try to make it somehow gain credibility since he touched it.


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