“Here Michelle, Have a Mint” – IOTW Report

“Here Michelle, Have a Mint”

Dubya couldn’t tell if that smell was Michelle’s breath or John McCain, but he gave it a shot and handed Michelle a mint.

Why would handing candy to someone warm someone’s heart??

This is the most cloying tweet of the year, particular from someone pretending they have a heart.

Is this the same Roland Scahill?


ht. nm



35 Comments on “Here Michelle, Have a Mint”

  1. Bush was all to happy to be the fall guy for all Obama’s problems… The way George and Michelle carry on when they are together you know they screwed. The question is did ole George have to plow Barrack as well??

  2. Oh good lord…
    I had been hoping that it had all just been a terrible dream last night, but here I am this afternoon now realizing that it was all too real.
    U G H.
    I think I’m gonna be sick…

  3. McCain’s funerary spectacle remind anyone else of something similar? How ’bout a mafia funeral? All the hierarchy — except Geo. Soros — was there. Seriously.

  4. That wasn’t candy, it takes lots of tranquilizers to keep a beast that size subdued enough to keep it seated during a long funeral and George was just helping his buddy Barry out. They keep it up until they get the beast back in its enclosure.

  5. youse guys….or should i say all y’all……crack me up with your quit wit and assholiness…….loves you forever and ever….

    wondering how many of you were frequenters of the old AOL chatroom known as the bookshelf……we had loads of fun there, when we were young…..


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