Here We Go- Founding Fathers under attack: Students demand Thomas Jefferson statue removal – IOTW Report

Here We Go- Founding Fathers under attack: Students demand Thomas Jefferson statue removal


Students at Hofstra University protested a statue of Thomas Jefferson on Friday at the second annual event, titled “Jefferson Has Gotta Go!”

The statue has been the center of controversy on the campus and has been defaced with “DECOLONIZE” and “Black Lives Matter” signs and stickers. According to a media advisory sent by the Jefferson Has Gotta Go (JGG) campaign, the protest was held outside Hofstra Breslin Hall at the statue. Organizers included “students of Hofstra University, staff from Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, and supporters of Hempstead community.”

The group gathered on campus to “expose the culture of bias and discrimination,” as stated in the media advisory, and to demand “the statue of Thomas Jefferson is removed.”

Hofstra College Democrats “want the statue to be removed and [we] stand with the Jefferson Has Gotta Go Campaign,” the group’s president, Brynne Levine, told Campus Reform.


22 Comments on Here We Go- Founding Fathers under attack: Students demand Thomas Jefferson statue removal

  1. Hell-bent on tearing down everything that America stands for… literally!
    When are the American people going to realize that we are under attack on many fronts by people who want to destroy America from within?

  2. This is a good example of how far the Democrats have let the retarded faction of their party off the leash. Thomas Jefferson was always THEIR hero out of the Founding Fathers.

    Won’t be long before the Democrat Party disappears from the political map, replaced by pure anarchy.

  3. …do the kids in universities spend ANY time with, you know, LEARNING? Going to classes, doing math, actually STUDYING the Constitution and boring stuff like that?

    …The immense amount of free time they seem to have to waste on retarded crap like THIS would seem to suggest NOT…

  4. You bastards aren’t fit to sweep the sidewalk in front of that statue.
    You bitch about the very man who gave you the freedoms to act like such asses.
    Be glad that Old Man Lazlo ain’t running that joint. You wouldn’t have time to protest, growing your own food and pedaling generator bikes to keep the lights on and the showers hot.

  5. One day, when abortion is fully recognized as murder, it’s going to be entertaining tearing down every icon that ever had, or advocated for, abortion. There wouldn’t be anything of the Left left.

  6. Their hatred of Liberty and Freedom not only knows no bounds, but is becoming more and more strident and vocalized.

    The taxpayers should demand that not a single taxpayer dollar be wasted on this “institution” of “higher learning” (in actuality a concentration camp of totalitarian indoctrination).

    But … I know … wish in one hand and …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “The world was naught, ere I created it …”
    (The Character ‘Baccalaureate’, “Faust”, Goethe, AD 1832)

    Universities and colleges have been hotbeds of foolishness and imbecilities for centuries.

    izlamo delenda est …


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