Here’s the New $20 – IOTW Report

Here’s the New $20

The are getting rid of Andrew Jackson.

Take your guesses as to who the new 20 dollar bill will have on it.

Harriet Tubman


68 Comments on Here’s the New $20

  1. I already saw who was going to be on it. Harriet Tubman. Should have put her on the EBT card instead.
    Surprised it wasn’t a Kardashian.
    They’re changing the 10 (mural depiction of the suffrage movement) and the 5 also (on the backs, to tell “stories”)
    They’ve been trying to move us away from using cash, and this’ll lead the way.
    This is just to piss off the people who actually earn the money (white & working).

  2. @Mr. M

    Yep. Just think, when you go to the ATM machine, the only thing that comes out are 20s.

    Sorry, but I don’t want to look at HT on my currency and it ain’t nothing to do with race.

    However, it is more than evident that the American economy is going to crash and burn in a spectacular way before this year ends so it may make no difference at all. And, the world is making a concerted effort to make the Chinese yuan the world’s reserve currency so….

  3. Jackson wasn’t exactly a poster boy for honesty in politics. Replacing a face once in a very long while is probably a good thing. It can be an expensive and very confusing process though with counterfeiters wringing their hands in glee. Reading her history I’d say she would be a very good choice however Martin Luther King may hold more relevance to today’s population and people need to remember that whoever in on the money will be there for decades and decades.

  4. As far as the US has fallen from the intentions of our founding fathers, I would suspect that all those who are represented on our US Currency would appreciate having their likeness removed…..with the exception of Lincoln who was in favor of big oppressive federal government before it was cool to be dictatorial.

  5. Why not have a fifteen dollar bill with Al Sharpton on it? Use it to pay the new minimum wage….but make it worth only seven dollars. No one using it will ever know the difference.

  6. I like Iowa Hawk’s (David Burge’s) spin on this. We dropped the founder of the Democratic Party off the $20 bill in favor of a gun toting Republican.

    As far as I care, if I can exchange it for an extra large pizza, then I don’t care if it has Malcolm X’s picture on it.

  7. Great quote from Harriet Tubman, Republican, Freedom Fighter:
    “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”

    Ah, sister Harriet, you tried. But today there are millions back on the Plantation. The democrat Plantation

  8. @Moetom, Harriet would called ‘not a black’ today. The hate would be heaped on her as it is Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice.

    Most of those coming from the mainland are very destitute, almost naked. I am trying to find places for those able to work, and provide for them as best I can, so as to lighten the burden on the Government as much as possible, while at the same time they learn to respect themselves by earning their own living.

    Harriet Tubman

  9. A comment on another site postulated that SJW’s would write the N-word on all the Tubman $20’s, thereby taking them out of circulation.

    This may not be such a good idea in the end.

  10. Shit. I was rooting for Betsey Ross.

    A patriotic lady who had a useful and traditionally female skill. She probably made great sammiches too.

    What’s not to like?

    My runners-up: Molly Pitcher, Tempe Wicke, Martha Washington, Clara Maas, Christa McAuliffe. And Sandra Day O’Connor if the field includes people who are still living.

  11. Civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr., famed opera singer Marian Anderson and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt will be depicted on the back of the updated $5 bill.

    Forget using a bill in any kind of vending machine.

  12. And MLK onthe back of the five dollar bill. I have other things to take care of besides this, which I can’t. It stacks like the rest of it and spends when I need it. Good enough.

  13. Harriet Tubman on the twenty is no disgrace. She was an American patriot who put into action Thomas Jefferson’s words, “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
    It shouldn’t be a problem for a conservative if any non-RINO, non-progressive, true constitutional conservative patriot, of any ethnicity graced American currency.
    Granted, Tubman’s was no looker, and neither was Susan B. Anthony (Yea, she was a liberal suffrage activist) but they both supported abolition. Industrialization would eventually make slavery obsolete, anyway.
    This should be a proud event for all conservatives – come on, at least it not Angela Davis – yet.
    Conservatives tend be self destructive and contemptuous. Let’s not do that with this victory.

  14. All good points Squad Leader. I don’t think there would be much weepin and wailin if this were done under a Conservative administration but after 7 years of in your face political correctness by Obummer & Crew this is seen as just another “take that whitey” guilt trip.

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